Happy Independence Day, 2020!

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Happy Independence Day, 2020!

For most of us, Independence Day is a day to celebrate our identity as a free nation that has done a lot of good for the world at large.

Love It Or Leave It

“Why I Love America

There’s a lot of turmoil these days. Some of it is a natural response to an unnatural situation.

We don’t like being held hostage by a worldwide pandemic but we didn’t mind trying to do our bit to “flatten the curve”.

What we do mind is being held indefinitely in the guise of it being for our own good.

Either we’ve flattened the curve or we haven’t. Make up your fucking minds and let us get back to life as usual.

Another thing we mind is manufactured outrage.

Certain subversive organizations have presented themselves as grassroots movements expressing a genuine outrage over their alleged grievances. The truth is far worse.

These Fifth Columnists are setting the groundwork to destabilize this great country so it can become a second-rate dictatorship like so many other countries on this beautiful planet of ours.

If we were to take these people at face value and accept that they have legitimate grievances against this country, there is a very simple solution for each and every one of them.


If this country is so intolerable that you have to try to tear it down, how about doing those of us who are fine with us a great big favor and just pack your shit and leave?

That would be really simple. Just find a country that lives up to your expectations of “social justice” and hop on a plane. Buh-bye.

Unfortunately, we can’t take these assholes at face value. They are an extension of our 44th President’s vow to “fundamentally transform America”. Instead of peacefully going home like his 43 predecessors, opening a Presidential Library and doing all the quietly unimportant things that the rest of them typically do, xPrez44 decided to set up a headquarters (with a wall) for a shadow government to actively impede any and all efforts by the current administration to undo the damage done by 8 years of deliberately inept governance.

Fortunately, xPrez44 did a lot of bad things while in an office he simply wasn’t qualified to occupy. Those are coming to light and a lot of the moles he left behind to impede the current president’s policies are getting rooted out. The former administration expended a lot of effort placing little termites into positions of authority and it’s taking a lot of time and effort to find and replace them with people who actually care about this country.

All of the non-governmental minions that were spurred to action with the tacit approval of the previous administration have been running amok since the tragic death of George Floyd. It was an incident that should never have occurred, but it certainly isn’t a valid excuse for worldwide rioting or defacing and destruction of property.

These people are using the thinnest pretext to carry out their meaningless agenda.

Well, enough is enough.

It’s time to declare ourselves independent from Marxist stooges and take our country back.

We should not have to fear for our safety from rampaging mobs. We have the right to defend our property and our lives. Any government entity who denies us this basic human right is acting unlawfully and need not be obeyed.

We should not have to fear overreaching governors who are participating in an effort to destabilize the country in order to affect the outcome of this year’s election. We have the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of freedom. We have the right to go to work, earn money and go to church without interference from tyrannical little hemorrhoids who have no respect for the rule of law.

We should not have to see our national heritage torn down in the name of social justice. When unruly children run amok, we need level-headed adults to put them in time out. What we seem to have is a lot of people who either don’t know how to do their jobs or simply refuse to do so.

The Mayor of Portland has allowed this sort of wanton vandalism to go unchecked for years. For whatever reason, this laissez-faire approach seems to be permitted nationwide. It’s setting a bad precedent. At this point, seeing the National Guard arrest everyone with a mask and a can of spray paint would not be a bad thing.

And don’t even get me started on the fucking masks…

I don’t need to be lectured by maskholes, peasy-ass little governors or basically anyone about wearing a mask. It’s not stopping anything. Wear them if you want to, but forcing people to do so is beyond ridiculous. It just needs to end.

You want fireworks? Just keep on with the bullshit that’s made 2020 such a spectacular year so far. Marxists and pandemic hoaxes and neverending streams of mental vomit. Fuck the Left and their agenda. Fuck their paid rioters. Fuck their mealy-mouthed supporters on social media and fuck their propagandists in the MSM. How’s that for fireworks?

If you don’t like this country just the way it is, get the hell out because plenty of us do. You cannot implement social change with a temper tantrum any more than you can with a Molotov Cocktail. Eventually, we will begin shooting back. If you think the first Civil War was messy, just keep pushing the envelope. The pushback is going to be exceptionally ugly. Keep pushing, we dare you.

That’s America’s ass” – Avengers:Endgame

Why Are You So Cranky?

Sure, the 4th of July is a day to celebrate and my birthday is on Monday, as is my parents’ Anniversary.

There’s plenty to be happy about. Right?


Ick! 😖 I’d like to be independent of summertime! 😖 Ick!

Add to that the gift that keeps on giving (Costochondritis), and you’ve got the perfect formula for me wishing it was some other time of year.

What Then Is Freedom?

What then is freedom? The power to live as one wishes. ~Marcus Tullius Cicero

Freedom isn’t free. It must be fought for tooth and nail against the forces of chaos and oppression.

The thing is that everyone is the hero of their own tale. Let’s acknowledge that if what you want comes at the cost of someone else, it’s not really freedom.

So many people squawking about being oppressed by this or that are simply making excuses for their inability or unwillingness to function in a free society.

If you personally have been oppressed by someone or some institution, you have legal recourse in our society. You can sue people for infringing on your rights. If you have a legitimate case, there is a lawyer somewhere who will pursue justice for you personally on a pro bono basis or for a percentage of the damages. It’s on you to do the work of finding someone who will advocate for you. It is a personal responsibility to pursue this within the avenues of the law.

If you have not personally been oppressed by someone or some institution, then do us all a favor and just shut the fuck up.

The world will be a much better place if you just find your happy place and help others to find theirs. If your happy place is bitching about stuff that happened to other people, please get therapy and stop burdening the rest of us with your need to whine and screech about things that haven’t actually happened to you.

Freedom to be who you are comes with the responsibility to let other people be who they are. Live and let live.

That being said, if your happiness is based on a delusion, you also have the responsibility not to insist that everyone else honor it.

If it makes you happy to believe that grass is actually purple, go ahead. You do you. Skip happily across your yard of purple grass but, please, do not insist that everyone else claim that grass is purple just to humor you.

People will generally perceive grass as green. Cliches about green grass are something of a given and in no way constitute oppression of purple grass perceivers. How about you simply get the fuck over yourself? Purple grass may make you happy but trying to force the rest of us to perceive grass as purple won’t make anyone happy, so seriously, get the fuck over yourself.

While we’re on the topic of perception, can we maybe stop being “proud” of things we have no control over?

Is there a Pride Month for people with two eyes? I don’t think so.

Maybe we can take pride in skills or achievements. Maybe, if we were proud of skills and achievements, more people would be apt to try to develop such things. What’s the point of being proud of race, nationality, sexual orientation or any other category over which we had no choice in being part of?

Let me tell you, I like pudding.

I like cake, cookies, candy, vegetables, meat, noodles and all that, but I like pudding.

Not just one kind of pudding either. I like just about all of them. Vanilla, chocolate, butterscotch, lemon, tapioca, rice, rice with raisins, I even like bread pudding and plum pudding. Not sure about Black Pudding, haven’t tried it yet. Even so, my taste in pudding is pretty liberal and indiscriminate.

I’m a trans-puddingist.

There, I said it.

As a trans-puddingist, I feel a great sense of pride in my pudding fetish. I think that you should be proud of my unadulterated lust for pudding. I think that me and all of my pudding-loving friends should have a Puddingist Pride Parade.

I am so proud of my pudding fetish that I’d probably wear a mohawk of pudding pops and assless chaps the color and gloriously smooth texture of butterscotch pudding and march down the street in a chocolate pudding colored g-string with my butterscotch pudding assless chaps and somebody could write  Pudding Pride  on my hairy white chest with pistachio pudding (forgot to mention pistachio) for all to see as I marched for the Pride of all “out of the pantry” Puddingists everywhere.

 Oh, wait. That’s fucking stupid. 

I have no control over my preferences any more than I have over my ethnicity, biological sex or anything else. There’s no need to be “proud” of it.  There’s also no need to be ashamed of it. It just is what it is.

Instead of trying to unravel the very thread of our society to assuage the sting of whatever sense of oppression you seem to be suffering, take a look around and see if anyone actually gives a crap. I think you’ll find that most people don’t actually care if you’re black or gay or identify as a cat.

Most people are perfectly happy to meet you where you are. If they don’t, you don’t need friends like that anyway. If they literally oppress you, you probably have legal recourse. People cannot be discriminated against for things that are not under their control.

However, if you are not actually a cat, trying to force people to treat you as one is actually oppressing them. You shouldn’t do that if you don’t want to wind up in a mental health facility. Freedom just isn’t that free. You can’t force people to acknowledge your cat-ness nor can you force them to perceive green grass as purple just to humor you.

Freedom comes with the responsibility to safeguard it for your fellow person.

 You do you and let me do me  and only then will we be free. 

I don’t have to tell you how fragile this precious gift of freedom is. Every time we hear, watch, or read the news, we are reminded that liberty is a rare commodity in this world. ~President Ronald Reagan

That’s quite enough for one day, I suppose. I have other work to get on with and pages to go before I sleep…

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