Ice Cream For Breakfast

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๐Ÿจ Ice Cream For Breakfast ๐Ÿจ

Apparently, today is ๐Ÿจย National Ice Cream for Breakfast Day and National Stuffed Mushroom Day ๐Ÿ„ . How can you go wrong?

๐Ÿ’— Loving ๐ŸคŸ๐Ÿป Gestures ๐Ÿ’—

Gestures, in love, are incomparably more attractive, effective and valuable than words. ~Francois Rabelais

It’s February, so there’s still plenty of time to gush about my smokin’ hot wife.

It brings a smile to my face just seeing her enter the room.

She thinks I’m mad at her, but I’m not. I’m stressed about work stuff.

She’s very sensitive and that’s a very endearing trait, but I hate that it makes her take the blame for stuff that’s not her doing.

She is the bright spot in my many dark days. I’m sorry she doesn’t know that.

Ice ๐Ÿจ Cream for Breakfast

The Joys Of Eating Ice Cream For Breakfast. Steve Simeone – Full Special

These National whatever days crack me up. I mean, how random is it that today is dedicated to Ice Cream for Breakfast, Stuffed Mushrooms, Liberace, Homemade Soup and Thanking Your Mailman (among others)?

There’s literally a reason to celebrate every single day. For me, that’s because I get to wake up next to Kelly and later to sleep with her again on the daily.writing-divider

Realityย Obscures

Fiction reveals truths that reality obscures. ~Jessamyn West

The thing about fiction is that it lets you address difficult issues with hypothetical situations.

Sometimes symbolism is deliberate. Certain authors will drape their intended messages in well-crafted symbolic illusion. Some authors strive to do this, but the symbolism isn’t all that well-crafted.

Sometimes symbolism is not intentional, but is so ingrained in the author’s perception of reality that it weaves itself into the narrative organically.

Fiction gives us a chance to have hard conversations.

You can discuss topics of the day or some existential crises of civilization. You can write it “realistically” in terms of time and place or “fantastically” by shifting to a different time period, another country or even a made-up milieu.

Simply answering “What If” can reveal how the author perceives the world, current events, historical events, social trends or whatever.

That’s all for today. I’ve got tons of other stuff to do. I hope your weekend is lovely and relaxing.

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