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Inspire Your Heart With Art Day 2024
Break out your art supplies because today is Inspire Your Heart With Art Day.
💕 The Color Of Love ❣️
In our life there is a single color, as on an artist’s palette, which provides the meaning of life and art. It is the color of love. ~Marc Chagall
Without a doubt, love is the spectrum that brings meaning to life. How dull life would be without it.
Thank goodness, I don’t have to worry about that. I found my best friend and lifelong inspiration.
We’ve been blessed to have reached the point in our marriage when we’ve been married longer than we weren’t.
I was 23 when we got married 33½ years ago. So we’ve been married at least 10 years longer than we never were.
And people say there are no such things as miracles…
🎨 Inspire 🖼️ Your 💟
“Inspire your Heart with Art” Day
I always liked art class in school. I wasn’t necessarily good at it, but it was enjoyable to be able to lose myself in the work for a while.
It’s good to put your heart into whatever you’re doing, but even more so when you have the chance to share it with someone else.
To this day, my parents still have a papier-mâché planet I made sometime back in elementary school to hang on their Christmas tree.
That’s pretty silly, but it’s still enough to bring a smile to my face to think something I made is dear to them that way.
Of course, that was before I was old enough to make grandkids for them…
Hard Things In A Simple Way
An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. ~Charles Bukowski
And today is officially the end of my ❄️ long Winter‘s nap ❄️.
Vivaldi: Winter (1 hour NO ADS) – The Four Seasons| Most Famous Classical Pieces & AI Art | 432hz
Time to get back in the mix and start writing in earnest again.
Surprisingly, when I mentioned to Kelly that I had a title for this year’s Holiday Season Serial Romance but no storyline, she managed to inspire some on the spot brainstorming.
Chicago – You’re The Inspiration (Lyrics)
So, now I have a title and a basic story idea which I will not share just yet. Thanks to my beloved wife, I am months ahead of my usual process.
God willing and the dog don’t bite, I’ll actually finish the whole thing before 🦃 Thanksgiving Day 🥧 this year. To get that to happen, I’ll need to churn out this year‘s monthlies ASAP.
Fortunately, I planned for that last year. I’ve got something of a theme planned for the articles this year, but I’m less and less enchanted by what I’ve picked. Will probably need to shuffle and start over on those.
Most importantly, I can finally shake free of my self-imposed leash and get back to writing The Sentinels with some seriousness.
Taking the month off to consume stories, research and conduct some serious subconscious churn has been just the rest I needed.
I’m hoping that if I can get this year’s Holiday Season Serial Romance done ahead of schedule, my ❄️ long Winter‘s nap ❄️ can coincide with this year’s 🦃🥧 holiday season 🎅🏻🎄 instead.
That’s it for this last day of January. I hope you have some art that inspires your heart. If you don’t, I hope you have a sweet, loving, wonderful person like Kelly who inspires you in every way imaginable.