National Best Friends Day 2024

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National Best Friends Day 2024

It’s National Best Friends Day and I get to hang out with mine today.


Love is energy of life. ~Robert Browning

My best friend is my BFF because she kindly said yes when asked.

At this point, we’ve known each other longer than we hadn’t.

We crossed that divide quite some time ago, but it’s still cool to think about.

I’ve been busy at work for months now. She sometimes asks if we’re still friends, because I don’t pay enough attention to her.

That’s not my intention. I don’t want to take her for granted, but she is as constant and integral to me as my own arms and legs.

I love her Forever & Always, pretty much since the very day I met her.

It’s hard to be as attentive as I should be when I’m obsessing about all the work I have to do, but the love is still there even when I’m distracted.

Best 💞 Friends 👫 Day

Tim and Margie Talk National Best Friends Day

It’s a good thing, then, that we get to spend the day running around on all her chosen errands.

Hopefully, we’ll see lots of cool stuff while we’re out and about. Will be nice to hold her hands and stroll around instead of banging on keys for once.

Apparently, there’s a farmer’s market on the itinerary. Maybe we’ll get some cool stuff to eat next week.

Friends 👋🏻 Are…

Friends are the siblings God never gave us. ~Mencius

Friendship is a frequent theme in comic books so, naturally, it will play a role in The Sentinels. When we first meet Tanda in Chapter 2, she’s in the process of rescuing her best friend, Marti.

When she joins the Sentinels, she naturally wants to make friends with the other superheroes. Being a cheerful, can-do kind of girl, she starts accumulating friends from surprising vectors.

Being that it’s fiction and meant to be interesting to read, it can’t all be sunshine and ponies. Even the best of friends clash sometimes.

What might they clash over? Anything and everything, naturally. Perspectives on how to be a superhero, how to interact with the public and when to act can lead to serious friction.

Even if you agree entirely with somebody, you might get annoyed by their habits, their diet, their perfume or any seemingly innocent thing.

There’s plenty of opportunity for conflict without even bringing in the main antagonists. Once you get people who are unabashedly confrontational involved, dramatic conflict spikes.

That’s another hallmark of comic books that can’t be avoided. Bam!  Pow! Biff! The superhero donnybrook is an obligatory trope of the genre and there will definitely be enough of them to qualify as a superhero story.

That’s it for today. I hope you get to spend it with your best friend, too.

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