Tax Time

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Tax Time

Is there anything more taxing than a weekend of sub-zero temperatures?

Work To Do

Just when you thought it was safe to start working on the taxes, even more paperwork comes in the mail.

I’m wondering if I shouldn’t wait for another week or so.

I’d like to get started, but it’s REALLY ANNOYING having to make changes after you’ve gotten started.

Sometimes procrastination is actually rewarded…

The Myth of the Fair Share

Among all of the other random bullshit the modern Left is trying to jam down our throats these days is the notion of rich people “paying their fair share“.

Unfortunately, they rarely have any idea of how this actually works. Poor people don’t create jobs.

Rich people not only already pay higher taxes than the rest of us but in many cases, their operating capital is often going toward payroll AND the employer’s portion of the payroll deductions for Social Security, unemployment and all of that random jazz.

The rich people that these modern-day Soviet wannabes really want to soak are the folks who live off of the interest on old money or other thoroughly non-income avenues of wealth creation and preservation. The problem is that they conflate the loophole zillionaires with folks like Harry and his wife from the video above.

There was a Fair Tax proposal a few years back. Perhaps it will make the rounds again some day. Until then, just listen to the ravening fruitcakes on the Left and just laugh. They have no idea what they’re even talking about.

If they put half as much effort into improving their lives and helping others as they think they are, they’d be the folks they’re trying to tax the living daylights out of and they’d probably stop wanting to tax the demographic they suddenly found themselves in. Jackasses…

Wash It Away

Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life. ~Pablo Picasso

As you can see, I’m pretty sick of the chattering masses. I’m sick of people trying to turn this country into the Soviet Union or Venezuela.

I can’t change people.
I’d really like to, but I can’t.

What I can do is to create. As a writer, I can create a world. I can change people in my world, but not this one. If I make a world worth believing in, I might just help some people change.

That’s how it is today. The polar vortex has receded and we’re enjoying balmy, Spring-like temperatures again. Thanks kindly to Punxsutawney Phil for missing his shadow this year.

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