National Eat Your Beans Day 2024

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National Eat Your Beans Day 2024

Today is National Eat Your Beans Day. Seems appropriate. Tomorrow, a lot of people will have baked beans, three bean salad or any number of wonderful things along with our burgers and dogs.

Beans of the Future

In future, lots of things will be made from beans and fibres grown on the farmers’ fields. This new science is called chemurgy. Plastics, for industry, will come from the soil. ~Henry Williamson

Things don’t have to be how we typically think of them. Sure, you can make a lot of tasty dishes with beans.

You can also sew them into a pouch and toss them at a board with a hole cut in it. You can put some in a wooden shell or a dried gourd and make music.

It’s exciting to think that people have the ingenuity to transform the organic starches growing plentifully in a field into substances we’d easily mistake for toxic chemicals.

Ultimately, ingenuity is limitless. People can take raw materials of any kind and transform them into surprisingly wonderful things.

What’s even more wonderful is that we have the ability to take these curious little nuggets and eat them.

One could only imagine what the first person who encountered a bean might have been thinking. “Gee, this colorful little pebble might be edible.”

Nowadays, we’ve got that all figured out and we’ve got so many beans to choose from to spruce up our diet: white, red, black, speckled, etc.

So, as the national calendar day says…

Eat Your Beans

10 Easy Bean Recipes | Best Recipe Compilation for Canned or Dried Beans

I’ve already told you, I’m totally down with beans in all their wonderful variety. I like soups, salads and sides containing beans of all kinds. Who doesn’t?

Besides, there’s a dad joke of a song that I grew up with:

Beans, beans, the magical fruit,
the more you eat, the more you toot,
the more you toot, the better you feel,
so let’s have beans with every meal!

I don’t know of any other foodstuff with its own whimsical ditty. They’re tasty and entertaining. Make sure you have some.

Powers You Through The Day

Whole foods like grains and beans release their sugar very, very slowly because of the fiber in them, and they don’t give you a sugar rush. They feed your cells as needed, and as a result, you have loads of stable energy that powers you through the day. ~Kathy Freston

Beans, like quality fiction, provide a slow burn. They get you going and keep you going. Okay, that’s enough of a segue. Sheesh…

One can only go so far trying to draw a relationship between beans and prose.

I’m still a bit too busy with work stuff to have been making much progress in any of my stories.

Sleeping isn’t affording me the usual subconscious churn. I’m not waking up with story ideas that I’m dying to get down.

I’m waking up with a driving angst of getting farther and farther behind at work. Kind of makes me want to go right back to bed.

That’s all for today. I wish you a Happy Independence Day tomorrow. God Bless America, its people and the unique contribution we have made to the world at large.

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