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National Escargot Day 2023
Well, at least they’re really low on carbs. Not sure I’m ready to tackle the snail challenge on National Escargot Day…
Happy 🎂 Birthday 👩🏼 Lasea
There are two great days in a person’s life – the day we are born and the day we discover why. ~William Barclay
Today is the birthday of my daughter’s future Mother In Law. We went out for a visit on Sunday and had a lovely time.
It’s nice to get away and just have a nice time with people now again.
Yeah, I just said that. Everything in moderation, though.
I still don’t like going out in general, but a nice visit with family is a rare treat.
Some people thrive on that. I’m not one of them. Once in a while is just fine for me, thank you.
I suppose that’s a bit standoffish of me, but there we are.
Lasea is a very nice person, and it’s a pleasure to visit with her when we get the chance. Glad we went.
Garlic 🐌 Butter?
French Cuisine – Escargot with Garlic Butter
This is one of those things people refer to as “delicacies“, meaning stuff that foreigners think is lovely but sounds bloody revolting.
I don’t know. I suppose, if someone offered me some, I might try them. I do know I probably won’t go out of my way to try any.
Does that make me close-minded? Perhaps.
I also suspect that if I were to try them, I’d want to be sure they were made “correctly” according to French cuisine standards.
Without being overly prejudicial, I already know that I have absolutely no appetite for oysters or clams. I’ve tried both and have ruled them out.
I like scallops, shrimp and properly prepared lobster, so who knows? I’m not sure which flavor and texture profile escargot fits into.
I might love them. I might detest them. For the time being, they’re Schrödinger’s Delicacy and I’m perfectly willing to leave the cat in the box and the snail in the shell.
Villainous Comeuppance
Those who plot the destruction of others often perish in the attempt. ~Phaedrus
This quote reminds me of the villains’ arc in section one of my Sentinels series.
Up to the beginning of the first book, The Conclave have been patiently waiting for the heroes to age out and vanish like all of their previous adversaries.
Villains who are more or less immortal have the luxury of waiting out any temporary turn of events.
From the time of their founding, The Sentinels have had no new members. They anticipated new heroes joining their ranks, but for over a decade, no new superheroes emerged.
It seemed as though The Conclave could simply wait them out.
And along came Tanda.
The Conclave will switch from a passive waiting game to actively plotting the downfall of the superheroes.
This will be the end of them, just as Phaedrus said.
That’s it for today. I’ve got a busy week and not nearly enough mental bandwidth to be particularly eloquent. I hope you’re having a lovely week.