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National Lemon Chiffon Cake Day 2023
March is very nearly over and we’re still having random cake holidays. Huzzah!
Meticulous Technique
Repetitiveness and discipline are the secrets of cake decorating. The art comes from the meticulous technique, the way it does for a dancer. ~Ron Ben-Israel
Simply stated, I have tons to do and everything I do takes at least ten times longer than it ought to.
Sometimes, I fall victim to perfectionism, but not as much as I used to.
What I’m running into these days is less about perfectionism than it is about preventative maintenance.
I want to do something and I’d very much like it to stay done so I can get on to all the other things on my to-do list.
Is that too much to ask? Apparently so.
Stuff doesn’t tend to like to stay done. At least I’m getting paid for it so, yay…
Let Them Eat Cake 
Delicious Lemon Cake Recipe- Low-Carb/ No-Sugar (keto friendly)
I shouldn’t eat cake, but I really like to. Fortunately, there are sugar-free options so I can have it from time to time.
Since we’re firmly rooted in Spring
, the flavors of the random holiday treats I’m finding are getting lighter than the hearty winter fare that I enjoy.
Since I’m ridiculously busy, I don’t actually have time to eat cake much less bake it.
That’s a weird kind of diet.
Being too busy to eat isn’t particularly good for me, so I’m glad when Kelly brings me a plate of something while I’m busy obsessing over things that ought to be done weeks ago.
Art is not what you see, but what you make others see. ~Edgar Degas
So, I’ve been listening to my story when time allows. It’s not bad, but it’s not quite where I want it to be yet.
When I’m not listening to my work in progress over and over, I’m also listening to some videos of writing advice to try to kick some story ideas loose.
Since I’m ridiculously busy, I’m also ridiculously exhausted most of the time.
I’m still having serious difficulty maintaining a work/life balance. These are not ideal conditions for creative writing.
Just the same, I need to get some sleep or I’m not going to get anything done at all.
That’s it. I’ve got nothing else today. I’m just worn out and need to get myself in bed.