Cookie Time! We’ve been waiting for the Halloween candy to run out so that we can start baking the heck…
Cusp Of The Holidays Right, so we’re steamrolling into my busy season. A Nirvana Christmas I’ve got a headstart on…
Man Cold We had a bit of a change in the weather and the random fluctuations in temperature and humidity…
Steps Down Saw the Worker’s Compensation doctor again today for the last time. Ouchy Unfortunately, it’s not because my ankle…
Next Thursday So, my son was being a stickler for grammar today. This Thursday Thursday of this week is “This…
What About Today? Mistakes are stepping-stones on the Road To Success. Some mistakes are easier to recover from than others.…
Hallowhen? I used to look forward to Halloween. This year, I just wasn’t feeling it. Too Pooped To Spook Yeah,…
Simply Sunday I have a LOT to do today, so I’m keeping this short. Yes, I know you’re hanging on…
Summer, Summer, Go Away! Ugh! I was so excited for the beginning of Autumn. I even got a false Fall.…
Magical Thinking Wishing won’t make the pain go away, but concentrating on more productive matters will at least distract me…