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Twelfth Night 2022
New year, new whatever. The floodgates have opened at work and I’ve got tons of new stuff to add to the stuff I hadn’t gotten through last year. Huzzah, time to kick it up a notch.
Post-Holiday Equilibrium
Happiness is not a matter of intensity but of balance, order, rhythm and harmony. ~Thomas Merton
Having all those Mondays off in November and December definitely helped me get Holly and Ivy done in record time, but it also helped me to get some much-needed rest and relaxation.
I tend to throw myself into my work pretty intensely. Granted, there’s a ton to do but it doesn’t really confine itself to a standard 8 to 5.
Twelve-plus hour days quickly become the norm in order to keep up with it all. I found myself falling into that pattern already.
Truth is, that’s a fast track to burnout. I need to get my work done but I also need to get done working.
I can’t just power through. I’ve got to maintain some semblance of balance in order to ensure everything gets done without frying my brain.
12 Drummers Drumming
Top Secret Drum Corps • Six Minutes of pure Art • The best drum band in the world
Despite what the marketing gurus would have you believe, today is the 12th Day of Christmas.
Yes, I’m going to rant about that.
The 12 Days of Christmas start on Christmas Day and end the day before Epiphany.
End of story.
End of discussion.
The 12 Days of Christmas are categorically not the 12 shopping days before Christmas.
They really need to come up with another angle because, frankly, that’s offensive.
For your enjoyment, I’ve got (more than) 12 Drummers Drumming and Shakespeare’s lesser known play,
Twelfth Night.
Apparently, the play is also known as What You Will and was performed on Twelfth Night in 1601 to bid a fond farewell to an Italian diplomat who had been visiting the first Queen Elizabeth’s court. The departing ambassador: The Duke of Orsino.
Hopefully, the Duke had a sense of humor because William Shakespeare certainly did.
Twelfth Night (1969)
If you’re not up for a whole Shakespeare movie, here’s the short version.
Shakespeare Summarized: Twelfth Night
Take Some Time
Seek the lofty by reading, hearing and seeing great work at some moment every day. ~Thornton Wilder
After the quick burst I put into the third Holiday Season Serial Romance, I needed to rest.
I also needed to spend some time enjoying somebody else’s creative endeavors for a while in order to recharge a bit.
We enjoyed the Hawkeye mini-series on Disney+ and I got to finish watching The Sopranos. I’m also watching The Wheel of Time on Amazon Prime, though I have mixed feelings about it. Between that and tons of D&D-tubers, I’ve managed to cleanse my mental palate.
Given the enhanced workload, I’ve got to figure out how I’m going to have the time and energy to get back to The Sentinels. Needs must, so it will happen. I’ll let you know how that’s turning out.
That’s it. It’s early January and I’m already tuckered out. I hope you’re having a lovely week.