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The CDC has finally conceded that “fully vaccinated” people can go about their business without face bras on. Yay.
Courage is fire, and bullying is smoke. ~Benjamin Disraeli
We’ve had well over a year of bullying at this point.
Well-meaning sods have done everything from mildly disapproving to violently chasing people out of stores.
The vaccines are out.
They’re widely available in this country to people of all ages.
So take all of your raving mask-holery and put it away until the next grossly mismanaged global pandemic, please.
Enough virtue-signaling.
Enough with the Karen act.
Enough is enough.
I’m getting my second shot on Saturday and I don’t want anyone telling me I need to wear masks anywhere anymore.
If you’re a mask-hole, you don’t deserve my money.
Yes, I realize I’m not “fully vaccinated” until 2 weeks after Saturday but seriously.
Can we honestly stop blowing smoke up everyone’s wazoos and show the courage to let people take responsibility for our own choices again?
The Best Writing Advice I have Ever Received
I’ve got my eye on a number of self-published authors on YouTube. Chris Fox is among my favorites.
He keeps it short and to the point. He speaks from experience and shows his screen more often than not.
It also helps to be in writing groups. I’ve been in the Black Diamond Writers Network since last year. That has been a great opportunity to meet people who are in various places along the spectrum from newbie/hobbyist to people with dozens of books in print.
Tonight, I attended a reading and critique meeting of the Greater Lehigh Valley Writers Group and it was a very worthwhile experience. I look forward to getting to know this group better and learn what they have to offer.
My thoughts on Amazon’s new Kindle Vella Program
I agree with Chris on the Vella program. If you’ve got a huge backlog of fiction that you can dribble out in serial fashion, this might be a great way to build a following.
I’m not there yet. I also have a day job and several novels that are waiting to be written. This isn’t the right platform for me right now.
The good news is that KDP keeps rolling out new features all the time. They’re in beta for hardcover books now. That’s something I can look forward to.
Little By Little
Nothing can be done except little by little. ~Charles Baudelaire
I’ve got to admit, I haven’t been very consistent with my writing.
Some of it is the exhaustion that comes from my various ailments.
Some of it is the mental drain of using my programming skills to make the daily bread.
Some of it is that I’m still struggling to split the difference between pantsing and plotting.
There are a lot of factors keeping me from making any substantial progress.
This, while being a common experience among writers, is a real problem.
I need to really get this show on the road and tonight’s critique session helped me to see I’m heading in the right direction.
Of course, as soon as I deliberately sit down to write stuff, the well absolutely runs dry. I’m not sure how to get around that yet.
As Chris’ video above says, “Shut up and write.” I guess I need to do that. If only it was that simple…
Keeping it short today because I’m basically running out of Wednesday so as it is. I hope you’re having a wonderful week.