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Weekend’s Entertainment
I’m not getting much done right now. This weekend is all about entertainment and relaxation…
Time, Time, Time
Time is Money ~Benjamin Franklin
So, my Sudoku books did get approved and they’re live on Amazon at this point. I’ll be getting on with my Cryptogram books next, but we’re on an entertainment binge this weekend.
All The Shows
Connor played the Major Domo
(the dude with the staff who knocks to let the guards know to when to cross their pikes)
However, Connor wasn’t quite so old and fussy-looking.
In fact, he looked rather like Edmund Blackadder.
😹 Blackadder would be a brilliant role for Connor 😹

We saw NCC’s production of Amadeus on Thursday. Connor played the Emperor’s Major Domo (butler). We were expecting a white powdered wig on him like the guy from the movie, but they had him in a rather stylish brown wig and very fetching 18th Century attire. He looked a bit like the Prince Regent’s butler, Edmund Blackadder from Blackadder The Third. He has another performance tonight and tomorrow afternoon if you happen to be in the Lehigh Valley.
Last night, we went to Wilkes-Barre to see Josh Gates for An Evening of Ghosts, Monsters and Tales of Adventure! Josh is a guy who has found his happy place. He told of how he got into his fascinating line of work and encouraged us to “Go away. Often.” He feels that getting out and seeing new places and having new experiences is the best way to make memories and stay interesting.
Tonight, I’m planning to blob on the couch and watch TV with Kelly. Working obsessively is all well and dandy, but you need to take some time to simply enjoy life now and again.
In fairness, I’ve been so caught up in my work of late that I haven’t really gotten out and about. I’ve been waiting so long for it to be Autumn that I forgot to actually go out and enjoy it while it’s here.
Art in action
Art is not a thing; it is a way. ~Elbert Hubbard
It’s so easy to get caught up in routines and bills and all the humdrum details of life. The artist’s challenge is to step outside of the mundane and create amazing new things. I’ve gotten so distracted by the details of daily living that I’ve fallen out of my habit of creating.
Granted, I created the puzzle books and got them out for sale. That’s great but I really need to get on with my stories. They’re not going to write themselves! So, it’s high time I stop writing this and start writing that. I’ll let you know on Wednesday how that turned out…
It’s a lovely Autumn weekend. I hope you’re enjoying it as much as we are.
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