Love Will Find A Way

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Love Will Find A Way

There’s a lot of FUD going around these days and, sadly, that’s by design. There are people in this world who aren’t happy unless they know you’re unhappy. Don’t be like them…

Do What You Love

It’s been said that if you do what you love, the money will follow. I’m still waiting for that to pan out.

I’ve done a LOT of things that I hate and those paid just fine. Doing what I like? Not so much.

We’ll see…

There’s Bitching And There’s Doing

Although spoiled schoolgirl who skips every Friday to protest imaginary
“Climate Science” predictions, Greta Thunberg, delivers a lot of words and
regurgitates a lot of propagandistic statistics, she actually DOES nothing.
How dare you!

The world has enough problems without people simply making stuff up to scare kids like poor Greta. She got a lot of press because those who programmed her are trying to put a similar panic into the rest of the world’s kids in order to push their preposterous agenda. The kids of today are being inundated with this sort of nonsense and we wonder why they need to be dosed with anxiety meds.

Just ridiculous.

Note: If your “scientific” problem can be solved with an international tax scheme, you don’t have a “scientific” problem.

There are two primary schools of thought in this world:

👉 One of them centers around creating dependence by making people feel powerless. They offer what appears to be a helping hand but actually they’re just waiting to slip the yoke of slavery on the people they’ve convinced to believe that they are helpless victims.

👉 The other centers around personal responsibility. They offer what appears to be a hard, stark world of having to do it yourself but actually they’re just offering to treat people like grownups if they would just take responsibility for themselves.

The two worldviews are reflected in these two videos. The complainer is demanding that “they” take care of her. The doer is simply doing what he can to make the world a bit better.

The outcomes are fairly predictable. The “How Dare You” kid got her 15 minutes of fame and a lifetime of meme infamy. The forest guy has personally rebuilt an ecosystem that houses elephants, rhinos, tigers, deer and many more species.

Bitching and doing are not the same thing. Socialism and Capitalism are not the same thing. Slavery and freedom are not the same thing. Woe to those who try to draw false equivalency.

Jadav Molai Payeng began planting trees on Majuli Island in the
Bramhaputra River in Northeast India when he was 16.
The forest he has personally created is now larger than Central Park.

Wolves Fear To Prey

Paul Harvey’s prophetic words

Love will find a way through paths where wolves fear to prey. ~Lord Byron

The last couple of years have been entirely about hate. Politicians, activists, entertainers and “journalists” have pumped poison into the ears of anyone they can. Those of us who went to the polls in full realization of the choice before us in 2016 are perfectly satisfied with our choice.

Either you pick a guy who often lacks a filter or a woman who always lacks a conscience. The choice was clear and the better candidate won. Any number of awful political tricks were pulled to ensure her win, but we were fortunate to elect someone who actually likes this country instead of someone who wants to abuse the privilege of high office.

Victor Davis Hanson is one of my favorite conservative authors.

Ever since then, we’ve had to deal with nearly half of the country going out of its ever-lovin’ mind. Most of the noise is the product of a well-provisioned few who are roundly echoed by the useful idiots in the mainstream media and the entertainment world. Fortunately, nobody respects them anyway.

They squandered whatever gravitas they believe themselves to possess on a derangement syndrome that’s, frankly, just annoying to the rest of us.

Everybody is entitled to their opinion. These clowns think their opinion matters more because they can read the “news” off of a teleprompter or pretend to be somebody in movies or TV. Whoopdy-freakin’-doo, y’all. Nobody cares about your opinion just because you’re famous. Get over yourselves already…

We’re already seeing all kinds of ridiculousness in play to muddy the waters for next year’s election. We’re sick of Comey. We’re sick of Mueller. We’re sick of Schiff. We’re sick of all the dirty tricks.

We’ve thought about this endless bloviating and we’re utterly fed up with it.

We want a society that’s based on love, not hate. We want to be allowed to love our country as it was founded. We want to choose our friends. We want to defend our borders, our homes and our very lives without condemnation.

We want to admire the good in people instead of being brow-beaten into celebrating people who aren’t doing a damned thing for anyone. There are so many great people in this country who give their all to make the world a bit better. Let’s celebrate those people, not the glory hounds of the media and entertainment world.

Let’s celebrate people who create jobs or help people to live better lives. Let’s shelve the guys who get paid perverse sums of money to play a game. I’ve needed cops, firemen, EMTs, therapists and teachers. I’ve NEVER needed a basketball player, a football player, an anchorman or a “comedian”. It’s nice that those people have found careers in their happy place but I don’t NEED them in order to live.

When I was pinned under my minivan, it wasn’t an NFL quarterback or an Academy Award-winning actor who got me out; it was first responders and concerned neighbors doing what they do, serving their community. Maybe we can return the wheel of this country to folks like that instead of letting the “superstars” steer the bus.

Maybe we can have a “government of the people, by the people, for the people” again lest it “perish from the earth.” Love is stronger than hate and our love for this country and each other will ultimately disrupt the plans of the usurpers who treat the Capitol as their own private club. The sooner the better…

You can make a difference, too. Just be the best you that you can be and the world will be a little bit better than it was yesterday.

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