Could 2020 ACTUALLY Get Any Scarier?

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Could 2020 ACTUALLY Get Any Scarier?

Only 4 more days til the big 🇺🇸 election and you know that no matter who wins, the 💩 is going to hit the fan…

🌕🐺 Howloween 👻🎃

But I love Halloween, and I love that feeling: the cold air, the spooky dangers lurking around the corner. ~Evan Peters

Halloween is traditionally a time for scaring yourself. Trick or Treat is the tagline for this fun kid’s holiday.

We like costumes and candy and classic monster movies like Dracula, Frankenstein, the Wolfman and the Mummy.

We enjoy Mischief Night pranks like toilet papering people’s trees and porches. We like soaping car windows. We like ringing the doorbell and running away so people think they’re being haunted

It’s fun. It’s silly and it’s a great way to celebrate the ever-shortening days.

I Wanna Scare Myself–Boo to You, Winnie the Pooh

Alien Trailer HD (Original 1979 Ridley Scott Film) Sigourney Weaver

Some of us like to take it to the next level.

Spine-chilling thrillers like Alien, supernatural mayhem like Hellraiser or Nightmare on Elm Street, blood-soaked shockfests like Halloween, Friday the 13th or any of the other plot-devoid slashers that people seem to love take the scariness of Halloween to a higher pitch.

Going to haunted hayrides and haunted house attractions is a great way to immerse yourself in the Halloween spirit.

Unfortunately, there are things that are scary without being made up.

Election Day is this coming Tuesday. You’ve got an incumbent President who actually likes this country and an opponent who has spent 47 years in one government office or another without actually doing anything productive.

Frankly, I find the idea that anyone would vote for this senile sock puppet on purpose to be about as scary as any horror slasher film I’ve sat through.

We’ve got a really big decision on Tuesday and I’m rather concerned that an unthinking mass of idiots will actually get this @$$-🤡 elected.

Creepy Joe Biden

🥧 Y’all Need Some Pie 🥧

How To Turn A Whole Pumpkin Into The Best Pumpkin pie

Okay, I’m not going to go on another political rant. Halloween is for fun. Part of the fun involves 🎃pumpkins🎃.

The great thing about pumpkins is that not only can you make a variety of awesome food out of them, but you can also carve them

Watch Pumpkin Carving Master Ray Villafane Create Incredible Jack-O-Lanterns

🎄 Counting 🎅 The 🤶 Days 🎄

Some people are born for Halloween, and some are just counting the days until Christmas. ~Stephen Graham Jones

It’s funny how we just take things for granted. April showers, June brides Autumn leaves, Christmas cookies…

As always, I’m counting down the days until Christmas arrives. I’ve already gotten the wife and kids some presents and wrapped them.

But what if Christmas doesn’t come?

I’m really quite concerned about the DNC and their plans to “ ☭ fundamentally transform  ” this country of ours.

It would be one thing if they actually had a cogent argument for their policies and were able to convince a majority of the eligible voting populace of the wisdom of their plans with facts, statistics, studies and examples…

  ☭ But Noooooooo……  

They’re counting on a generation or two of completely brainwashed, useful idiots to sweep them into power on a variety of platitudes and half-baked bullshit.

It would be one thing if they planned to work within the confines of the United 🇺🇸 States 🇺🇸 Constitution that each and every one of them will have to take an oath to uphold and defend…

  ☭ But Noooooooo……  

They’re counting on having a large enough majority to run roughshod over every rule, policy and tradition in the conduct of American governance.

I’m genuinely concerned and you should be, too.

I truly believe that if they win and are able to enact their reprehensible policies, we’re going to fly apart as Yugoslavia did in the 1990s. Of course, Yugoslavia disintegrated due to the sudden absence of ☭ communism ☭ . I anticipate that we will disintegrate because of the implementation of  ☭ communism ☭ .

I don’t go for that.

We have a duty to our country and our descendants to not only prevent this but to prevent it to such a degree that they’re unable to attempt to try it ever again. We need to stop this bullshit once and for all.

If they get in, we’ll need a crowbar and a howitzer to get them the hell back out. Please, please, please, vote for anyone but the Democraps. If you’re voting for them because you believe in their platform, I can’t help but wonder how you’ve managed to read this far. If you’re voting for them because you always vote for them, I can’t help but wonder that you can even read. Please, just don’t do it.

We need a new moderate liberal party. The Blue Dogs need to slough off the ☭ commies ☭  and create a viable alternative party that actually likes America. I don’t have a problem with people who take a liberal approach to life, the universe and everything. We need soft-hearted people to consider the social angle. It takes all kinds.

What we don’t need is a bunch of  ☭ commies ☭  wrecking the country. If you don’t like how things are done here, fuck off. Go form a  ☭ commune ☭  on the fuckin’ moon, assholes. We don’t need your nonsense here.  ☭ Communism ☭  has never worked anywhere it’s been tried and never will. We don’t even need to try it.

The only ones who benefit from this sort of nonsense are the architects. It worked that way in the former ☭ USSR ☭ . The leaders had lots of benefits and a dacha on the Black Sea. The average dude lived a squalid existence with nothing to look forward to but sucking government dick by day and a shot glass full of vodka by night.

I’ll give it a miss, thanks.

Let’s hand the DNC and all of their radical minions a resounding loss on Tuesday so we can try to get back to something passing for “normal“…

That’s it for today. I hope you’re having a Happy Halloween! Hopefully, America 🇺🇸 will still be here on Wednesday…

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