National Get Over It Day 2024

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National Get Over It Day 2024

Yeah, it’s raining today 🌧️ but I like that. All the more appropriate for it to be National Get Over It Day.

Why To Get Over It

Fear is stupid. So are regrets. ~Marilyn Monroe

So, what are we getting over exactly? Could be anything. Whatever is holding you back or causing any sort of lingering regret or discomfort.

Whatever it is, GTFO it already.

I’d love to get over my costochondritis, but it won’t go away. I don’t linger on it. I just have to be careful how I move my body, lest I suffer a full body cramp.

Fortunately, I have a distinct inability to focus. All I have to do is wait a minute and whatever is nagging at me will go away on its own anyhow.

I’ve never really been one for regrets. If I made a decision, it was generally the best one I could make at the time based on whatever resources I had at my disposal.

Sure, there are some really bad decisions that I’ve made, but most of them haven’t done any serious lasting harm. So, there’s no point in lingering on them.

The here and now is plenty fucked up enough without dragging old issues around.

How To Get Over It

National Get Over it Day (March 9) – Activities and How to Celebrate National Get Over it Day

There are strategies for getting over things. Depending what those things are and what kind of person you are, those strategies will vary.

Some people like to ruminate. Some people make decisions that have irreparable consequences.

Some people (like me) have a really short attention span and just have to wait a moment for a new idea to supplant whatever they might be bothered about.

If you need help getting over it (whatever it is), I’ve heard that journaling can be helpful. To that end, I found this video that may be of help to you.

The Journaling System that changed my life


Writing Helps Me Get Over It

When I write, I can shake off all my cares. ~Anne Frank

As far as journaling goes, here you are in the thick of it. This site is somewhat therapeutic for me. Hopefully, it’s somewhat informative for you.

That being said, I don’t really have much to say today. I’ve had an extremely taxing week at my day job and I have a ton of data conversion to attend to.

So, the writing takes a back seat to getting 💩 done this weekend. I find that annoying, but you gotta do what you gotta do…

My creative juices are tightly corked up at the moment. When I’m done my job stuff, I can get back to my me stuff.

That’s all for today. I hope you’re enjoying the beautiful 🌧️ dreariness 🌧️ of today. Let the almost-💐 Spring 🌷 rain wash away whatever you might be ruminating over.

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