Exit Summer 2022

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Exit Summer 2022

It’s been long and hot, but I managed to avoid most of it. Eagerly looking forward to the arrival of my favorite season and all the treats that go with it.

Roses & Thorns

Some people are always grumbling because roses have thorns; 🌹 I am thankful that thorns have roses. ~Alphonse Karr

There’s a bright side to everything.Β In the case of 🌞summerπŸ”₯, it’s the blazingly hot, blinding sun.

The actual bright side is that it will be ending tomorrow night at 9:04pm. Not a moment too soon, y’all.

πŸŽƒ It is well past time to get my pumpkin spice on. πŸ₯§

I am thoroughly looking forward to a change of wardrobe, putting away the ACs, hibernating bugs, maybe even some evenings at the firepit with Kelly and Rose.

Nerd News


Yes, friends, Phase 4 of the MCU is quickly giving way to Phase 5 and 6 projects. The news has been rolling out at fan events over the last few months.

Between this never-ending stream of awesomeness and the continuing rollout of high fantasy hijinks, I am in absolute β›… Nerd Heaven 🌈.

I’m disregarding the haters. I’ve actually wasted more than a few moments listening to their critiques.

They’re not saying anything!

They carry on about how horrible everything is but they never get into details. It’s just offensive to their personal sensiblities to have shows that are somehow less than their idea of perfection.

Suck it up, buttercups.

I like it and I’m going to continue watching. I’m sure I’m not the only one.

Actually, being edgy and controversial is click-baity. They spend a long time yowling about how awful these shows are, but all it’s doing is driving up their watch times.

Haters gonna hate. I’m done with the bunch of them. I’ve yet to hear one who makes a valid point.

Life’s entirely too short and my time is too fleeting and valuable to waste another minute on their nonsense.

I’ve got shows to watch, books to write and plenty of work to catch up on.


To begin, begin. ~William Wordsworth

Sooooooo, I finally got September’s Christmas All The Time monthly in the can and laid out the initial resources for the 2022-3 Holiday Season Serial Romance.

This holiday season, it’s going to be Meredith Belzer’s turn for unexpected romance. She’s one of Ivys bridesmaids. Will she fall for one of Ian’s groomsmen? Will it be a chance encounter or will it be orchestrated by well-meaning friends?

I haven’t decided yet. These are the factors in play as I set things up.

There are some stirrings for The Sentinels as well.

With all of the MCU awesomeness rolling down the pike and all the streaming superhero media at my disposal, I’ve been trying to get my head back into this project as well.

Dear God! Projects. I’ve got so much to catch up on for work that I don’t even know where to start. I do, however, know where to stop.

I have been taking action to separate job time and me time. To that end, Kelly and I have had more opportunity to do things that we don’t normally do.

Movie nights, sleeping in, scenic train rides and sunflower festivals have been the highlight of 🌞Summer 2022πŸ”₯.

If I have any say in the matter, πŸ‚ Autumn πŸ‚ 2022Β πŸ‚ will be even better. If the nasty little bugs go back to sleep, it might actually be enjoyable to sit outside and enjoy a crackling fire some evenings.

Not much longer before my No Mondays Policy kicks in. That will give me even more time to get my writing done.

Of course, that means I’ve got until mid-October to get some stuff done at work. The stuff always keeps coming, but I’ve gotten things bunched up and snarled again at the moment.

I’ve got to power through that so I can shed the mental weight of being behind.

Writers in general, and I in particular, am often given to procrastinating. Sometimes that’s due to “writer’s block“.

Some author-tubers insist that there’s no such thing. They’ll admonish us that it’s just a form of procrastination.

I don’t know about other writers but it’s particularly hard for me to write if I know there’s something that needs doing.

Cat litter boxes need changing. Dishes need washing. Dinner needs cooking and eating. They really do.

The fact that those things are there calling out to you, literally blocks out any thoughts of the words that need writing.

Every incomplete chore, every item that isn’t sitting in its proper place, every unresolved bit of guilt stands like a mile-thick bank vault door between me and my capacity to write.

These guilty burdens keep me from getting into flow state in a predictable manner.

That’s something I need to work on, but I’m not sure how to resolve that other than to get rid of the distractions by simply powering through the biggest outstanding items.

Even so, there are only so many hours in the day and only so much of me to go around.

I need to balance my time with all the stuff that needs to get done. Maybe the πŸŽƒ Pumpkin SpiceΒ πŸ₯§ will give me a little boost…

Goodbye 🌞SummerπŸ”₯, don’t hurry back.

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