Fresh Start

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Fresh Start

Technically, it’s the end of the week but, for reasons I’ll explain below, it’s a new start. On a sunny “summer” day, what more could you ask?

Fresh Fruit

Love is a fruit in season at all times, and within reach of every hand. ~Mother Teresa

One of the great things about summertime is all of the fresh fruit.

Plump strawberries.

Blueberries by the bushel.

Watermelons to carve up and enjoy.

The sweet taste of flourishing life is something to be savored.

If you have the good fortune to enjoy a large, loving family like I do, it can sometimes be taken for granted. It becomes part of the scenery. Possibly even a bit humdrum.

Truth is, it’s nothing less than a miracle.

Begin surrounded by people who love you just because you’re you is absolutely miraculous. There are so many lonely people in this world. I have to remember to be grateful that I’m not one of them.

It’s easy to get wrapped up in your own concerns and take the miracles around you for granted or even overlook them entirely.

I have to remember not to do that and maybe you do, too.

Life is an ever-changing montage of miracles if we only have eyes to see them. It’s all too often that I feel the blah of everyday life until I see my wife smile. She is, without a doubt, the greatest miracle I’ve been blessed with in my ridiculous life. She shows me what it means to live juicy. She’s definitely a summer person and she is the sunshine of my life.

Every day’s a new day, just because I love you!

Fresh Air

You might be wondering why I’m suddenly gushing with positivity.

Well, one of my big problems (and I didn’t even know it) is that I apparently stop breathing a lot when I sleep. The thing is, as it has been explained to me, that when you stop breathing in your sleep the cognitive part of your brain takes over for the autonomic portion. Since you’re not able to use that part to handle dreaming and relaxation, it doesn’t happen.

I can attest to that. For years, it’s been rare that I would have a restful night’s sleep.

Having been diagnosed with sleep apnea, I’ve been prescribed an APAP machine. The point of it is to force air into me while I sleep. The device monitors my breathing and adjusts the amount of air being delivered in order to ensure that I keep breathing AND that the cognitive override that I’ve been unwittingly depending on can actually get the rest that it needs.

The first night was a bit rough. I take a long time getting to sleep unless I’m completely worn out. The thing is, since I wasn’t worn out, the ramp up period would expire and the machine would jump up to full air pressure. When you’re awake, this can be pretty jarring and a bit stifling. It kept waking me up and I’d hit the ramp button again to give myself another 15 minutes of partial pressure and on and on and on until I actually fell asleep. Even then, a couple of times when the pressure was high it would wake me up because I wasn’t used to wearing a mask in bed or having air jammed down my throat.

I only slept for 6½ hours and didn’t feel particularly rested. My head was a bit more clear than usual on such a small amount of sleep but I had a lot of running around to do yesterday. Naps were required. I didn’t use the mask for those. Not sure If I’m supposed to. I’ll have to check with the sleep people about that. I think it’s only supposed to be for proper night sleeping.

In any case, I took some generic Zzzquil to ensure I’d actually fall asleep before the higher pressure kicked in last night. I can’t do that all the time because I need to be able to wake up early and take my wife and son to work on certain days. Even so, I slept great. I don’t feel as cloudy and tired as I have for the longest time. I actually feel like I’ve slept. It’s a real treat to actually enjoy a night’s sleep after all this time.

Fresh Batch Of Problems

Still trying to figure out what’s up with my formerly-sprained ankle. It’s still blowing up for no discernible reason and last night…


I don’t know if I picked up a splinter or if there’s just a blister boiling up to the surface but it hurt so badly I couldn’t even stand on my left foot. Kelly didn’t see a splinter but there was a crack, so maybe it’s just that.

In any case, hobbling around is a nuisance. I thought I was done with all that and now, geez. What the heck?

The more important matter is the random swelling and recurring pain. I don’t know what to do about that. Hopefully, the doctor will have more to work with on my next visit.

Fresh Perspective

I’m about ready to restart from zero. I don’t think this novel is turning out how I need it to. I’ve got some good backstory but the actual story is sadly lacking in punch. Since it’s a superhero story, it definitely needs punch.

Well, I’ve got supper to make and chapters to rewrite. That’s all I’ve got to say today. Feel free to have your say below and let me know how you’re doing.

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