National Bucket List Day 2024

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National Bucket List Day 2024

I suppose that Wednesday is as good a day as any to work on your plans for someday, because today is National Bucket List Day.


If you want to make God laugh, tell him about your plans. ~Woody Allen

People have bucket lists. Some have big hairy, audacious goals. Some have some simple pleasures they’d like to achieve.

To each their own. You do you. If you want to go to Mars with Elon Musk, great. If you want to experience the perfect cup of coffee, that’s great, too.

For me, the list seems to be self-immolating.

Naturally, I can’t do some of the things I’d have chosen when I was in my twenties. Some of the things I’d like to do have made themselves undoable.

Used to be, I’d like to go to various places in Europe. In the meantime, Europe has made itself less and less appealing.

I wanted to go to New York and visit some of the sites in my work in progress. Now? Not so much. You can’t fix stupid.

What I would like to do is to visit some of the world’s Christmas hubs. There are a lot of those in places that haven’t rendered themselves unvisitable yet.

I’d like to read some of the classics I haven’t gotten around to yet. Hopefully, they come in large print because reading is getting harder by the day.

Mostly, I just want to sit home and play Scrabble with Kelly. Sure, there are sights I’d like to see. Food I’d like to try. Concerts I’d like to attend.

But it doesn’t have that bucket list vibe. It’s just stuff that would be acceptable if it happens and no biggie if it doesn’t.

I’m already happy, so the bucket list doesn’t really reflect my mindset. It’s not so much that I don’t want things or to do things.

It’s more that I’m pretty happy with things as they are and wouldn’t be disappointed if they got a bit better in the not too distant future (LGB/FJB).


Morgan Freeman Explains The Bucket List to Jack Nicholas

Going out with guns blazing? Nah. I’ve already done some fairly amazing things in my life. Some of them bear repeating, some do not.

For me, it’s not so much a bucket list as it is a desire for shit to go back to normal.

Honestly, I really want the pendulum to stop swinging to the left. What the actual fuck?

How much more fucked up can things actually get before the very fabric of reality just tears to shreds and winged monkeys fly out of everyone’s butts?

Seriously, that would be less disturbing than some of the shit that’s going on these days.

I’d really like things to go the hell back to something passing for normal.

It would be great for people to be able to get along. It would be great for progress to consist of flying cars, replicators and ubiquitous unlimited energy instead of spiraling insanity.

In the meantime, I simply hunker down as if enduring a hurricane. Hurricanes end at some point.

Shit storms that are perpetually stirred up by raving assholes? Theoretically, that will end at some point, too. Maybe. Hopefully…


I don’t plot my books rigidly, follow a preconceived structure. A novel mustn’t be a closed system – it’s a quest. ~Kurt Vonnegut

Well, as quests go, I’m hip deep in the Valley of Suck. Work continues to intensify and need more hours of my conscious day.

Glad to be gainfully employed and paying my bills (for the most part) still doesn’t do much to facilitate a writing schedule.

Theoretically, I could write on the weekends but I find that I’m too physically tired and mentally weary to actually accomplish anything creative.

Not sure when it’s going to break, but it’s not today. I’m exhausted and I just want to go back to bed.

But, Rob, that’s what perseverance is all about. Yeah, imagine me trying to prop my eyelids open. Even if I can, it’s an exercise in futility.

When I’m this bushed, I can’t do a single creative thing. Looking forward to the rush being over. Not sure when that will be.

That’s all for this last Hump 🐪 Day of April. I hope you’ve got some of your bucket list items within reach.

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