Scary? Doing something new and unfamiliar is always a little scary… New Territory All adventures, especially into new territory, are…
Pretty Darned Weird That was a common refrain when Kelly and first started dating. It was an unfamiliar circumstance for…
Graveyard Shift I’ll be spending some time at the Charles Baber Garden Cemetery in Pottsville today as Allan helps his…
🍂 Grand Theft Autumn 🍂 Somebody told me the high for today was supposed to be 78° and I was…
Autumn’s Back! After a mercifully brief spat of Indian Summer, 🍂 Autumn 🍂 is back in all its chilly splendor.…
Last Saturday Of Summer 2020 Goodbye, 🌞 Summer 🌡️, and not a minute too soon! I love that there’s no…
Ain’t It Glorious?!? Even though we started out the morning with a flat tire, nothing can steal the 🍂 pre–Autumnal…
Paperweight So, I finally got my contract signed and started work when my laptop decided to go Tango Uniform. Total…
Summer’s Falling Away One of the great things about the departure of summer heat is the opportunity to share body…
Falling Leaves Of Summer As I’ve gone to deliver and/or pick Dorothy up from school, I’ve noticed something absolutely glorious!…