Actually Almost Catching Up

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Actually Almost Catching Up

There, I’ve gone and jinxed it. β›” Late last week, I set a little schedule for myself. The very next day, something turned up and the whole damned plan got drop 🏈 kicked. After a rough week of scrambling, πŸ₯΄ I’m just about back to where I wanted to be this time last week. I feel like a time traveler and not in a good way.

β™ΎοΈπŸ’œπŸ’• Limitless πŸ’•πŸ’œβ™ΎοΈ

There is no limit to the power of loving.
~John Morton

Well, I caught some flack for Wednesday’s post but that’s nothing new.

The point I was trying to make was that even though we were being grumpy at each other, love conquers all.

Our relationship is far stronger than me being out of sorts over my work stress and her being grumpy because of reasons.

What more do I need to say? I love Kelly, forever and always.

πŸ€– Be-de-be-de-be-de πŸš€

My 1939 Buck Rogers Serial DVD came today! I can’t wait to watch it again. I remember getting it from Blockbuster way back when.

Why would I buy a DVD when I can just watch it on YouTube?

Well, sometimes the internet goes out and sometimes YT figures out someone is probably violating copyright and takes such things down. If you don’t see a video over thereΒ πŸ‘‰πŸ»Β 
then they probably did.

Buck Rogers 1939 Serial (4:07:53)

Buck Rogers in the 25th Century (1979) Original Trailer [HD]

Of course, I grew up watching all 2 seasons of Buck Rogers on TV.

Sadly, even as a child I knew they had jumped the shark when they switched from Earth to the spaceship Searcher.

The project had a lot of potential in an age when the special effects weren’t quite ready for prime time.

They departed rather noticeably from the original comic strip, but it had a lot of interesting developments.

Buck Rogers – Classic TV Review 1979 RetroBlasting 1/2

Buck Rogers in the 25th Century – Vintage Toy Review Mego 1979 2/2

The toys were absolutely incredible. Their action figures had hinged elbows and knees where Star Wars figures only moved at the hips and elbows.

The Draconian Soldier was a mix of Samurai, Yuan Dynasty Chinese and just a hint of Ottoman Empire. How can you go wrong? I’m still kind of geeking out over that character design even though they were basically overdressed extras.

Apart from the timeline montage in the opening sequence of the show, they never really explained how anything transpired between Buck’s accidental cryostasis and being woken up by the scrumptious Princess Ardala.

There were star gates that could take Buck and Wilma to different star systems in the blink of an eye.

There were all these different cultures from who knows where.

There was even Gary Coleman as a 20th Century child prodigy who conveniently turned up about the same time as Buck.

Everything you need to know about Buck Rogers in the 25th Century (1979)

The Sad Failure of Buck Rogers in the 25th Century

Sadly, the same zeitgeist that caused Glen Larson to create the Buck Rogers series gave way to the same short-sighted Hollywood approach that has been the doom of many a promising show.

As it turns out, having a strong female lead had to take a back seat to old-school Hollywood shenanigans and penny pinching.

The cool thing about doing research for segments like this is that I discover gems like this. I didn’t know there was a Buck Rogers movie from the 50s, but now we do.

Better watch it before the copyright infringement police get it taken down.

Buck Rogers: Planet Outlaws. (Classic Sci Fi Movie. Full Film 1953.)

πŸ‘οΈ Cataracts πŸ”

There is nothing worse than a sharp image of a fuzzy concept. ~Ansel Adams

Well, I’m a pantser and that’s how I roll.

Nevertheless, I have been making an effort to be more of a planner for some of my bigger projects. You really can’t write a 13 novel series by the seat of your pants.

You can certainly try, but an epic urban fantasy series deserves a great deal more care and consistency than blindly putting pencil to paper can provide.

In defense of ‘Discovery Writing‘, there’s a lot to be gained by putting pencil to paper or fingers to keyboard and just firing away. It’s as if I’m watching a movie on a video streaming service from my own imagination and just transcribing what I see. Unfortunately, the director tends to get a bit haphazard and the story goes off the tracks from time to time. It’s a good technique for short sprints, though.

If I can marry strategic planning with my subconscious video streaming service, The Sentinels is going to turn out just as great as I’d like it to be.

One of the benefits of being nearly caught up is that I get to go to bed at a reasonable time. πŸ›ŒπŸ» I’m going to make πŸ’€ while the moon 🌜 shines. I hope you have a lovely weekend.

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