April Morning Showers

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April Morning Showers

All things being equal, I’d rather take a bath. That being said, the day has transitioned from delightfully dreary to gratingly sunny. Blech! It’s almost as bad as an early ๐ŸŒžSummer๐Ÿ”ฅ

Maintaining Attention

Find something you’re passionate about and keep tremendously interested in it. ~Julia Child

Passion is not a term that really applies to me.

I’m a bit too worn out to be passionate about anything but my lovely wife.

In its place, I’ll substitute aptitude.

I have the aptitude and, in some cases, the need to do certain things.

My inclination is to do as little as possible. I’m tired and I basically don’t care.

There are, however, a variety of things that break through my sleepy indifference on the basis of needing to be done.

It would be exaggerating to say I have an aptitude for carpentry, but I did manage to get my deck repaired.

It would be fair to say I have an aptitude for computer programming, so I had a fairly productive week at work.

Luckily, it is now the weekend and it is generally acceptable to not want to do things on the weekend.

๐Ÿ˜Œ Ahhhhhhhhhhhh… ๐Ÿ˜Œ

Knight ๐ŸŒ™ Time

Most Powerful Moon Knight Weapons Ranked

I may not be passionate, but I am very interested in fiction. Specifically, speculative fiction.

I love superheroes, fantasy and science fiction.

Certainly, I enjoy a good detective story, action flick or even a decent RomCom.

Not a big fan of “reality”, though.

My wife loves to binge these reality shows and it drives me up the damn wall.

I’m sure my preferred media get on her nerves after a while, too.

What we can almost always agree on is Star Trek, Indiana Jones and certain superhero stories.

The MCU has done a spectacular job of providing variety within the superhero genre.

Sure, they’re all some kind of superhero story but Captain America: The Winter Soldier was a political intrigue film while Avengers: Endgame is a heist. Each film has its own distinct approach to the genre.

Despite critical claims of superhero fatigue, there are millions of sci-fi fans who are starving for more MCU, DCEU, Star Trek, Lord of the Rings, Dune, Game of Thrones, HALO and whatever else may come along.

I’m not the only one who wants this stuff and I reject the claims of certain film snobs that superhero films somehow damage the art form.

There’s a lid for every pot and I can point to ComicCons throughout the world demonstrating this fact.

Every genre has its ebbs and flows. Westerns aren’t as popular as they used to be. War films come and go.

That being said, take a serious look at TV and movie trends for detectives, cops, sitcoms, sci-fi and superheroes.

Even when any one of these genres takes a brief hiatus, there are fans of previous shows clamoring for new programs like their old favorites.

If this wasn’t true, the various Marvel miniseries on Disney+ wouldn’t still be in production.

There are so many characters that we haven’t seen yet in the MCU/Disneyverse and plenty of those have already been promised.

Into this list falls Moon Knight.

Who the heck even knows who Moon Knight is except for the most hardcore comics nerds?

Well, now people who aren’t already comics nerds do.

He’s a less known character who is now being established in the MCU as a street-level character like the Marvel Netflix series of which I’ve previously gushed at length. Moon Knight (as shown in the video above) has fought with The Punisher as well as his own rogue’s gallery.

Overloaded yet? Not me. Not millions of ComicCon nerds.

Money talks and movie critic bull๐Ÿ’ฉ walks…

What If? What Then?

What if everything is an illusion and nothing exists? In that case, I definitely overpaid for my carpet. ~Woody Allen

Any fictional work starts with the question What If? and explores that with a sequence of What Then? scenarios.

As I’ve mentioned recently, I’ve been exercising the โ„๏ธ Snowflake Methodย โ„๏ธ of plotting my series.

It has certainly gotten the creative juices flowing again, but I’m still experiencing a bit of paralysis by analysis.

There are any number of valid entry points for The Sentinels: New Blood and I’ve been spinning my wheels trying to pick one.

Since I am, by nature, a pantser, this whole planning ahead thing doesn’t do it for me.

It’s doing a decent job of reminding me of what I’ve already done, but not such a great job of getting me back in gear.

Unfortunately, inertia has its own consequences.

Biggest Consequences Of Doctor Strange’s No Way Home Spell

Both action and inaction have consequences that need to be dealt with.

Doing something runs the risk of rushing down a dead end street again.

Doing nothing guarantees I’ll get nowhere at all.

I’ve got the desire to get back on the keyboard but something always seems to come up.

Things that need doing need doing. Putting them aside to get on with my writing impedes progress.

I’ve got that nagging sense that I’ve got something that desperately needs doing before I can really concentrate on my storytelling.

I can’t afford the luxury of that. I need to allocate time for writing just as I do for anything else.

That being said, I still have some screws that need to be driven into some loose pieces of wood.

That’s all for today. I’ve got other writing to get to and I’ve got to drive those needed screws in before somebody gets hurt.

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