Autumn Storm

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Autumn Storm

It’s been a bit of a rough week.


Anger is an acid that can do more harm to the vessel in which it is stored than to anything on which it is poured. ~Mark Twain

My extended convalescence has caused a lot of resentment to swirl around the house. People are storing up their own various feelings about the circumstances. Sometimes those lead to strong currents heading in conflicting directions.

When this happens in the atmosphere, it whips up a whopper of a storm. When it happens at home, it whips up a serious shit-storm.

It’s a terrible thing to have to endure, but the good thing (so to speak) about enduring a massive shit-storm is that the air gets cleared. Howling gales are horrendous while they rage, but nothing lasts forever.

The energy is used up and dissipates. There’s an air of calm and a clean-up ensues.

I was in a lot of pain today. That’s nothing new.

We had some errands to run. By the time we were done with our last stop, I was ready to fall over. My chest hurt. My ankle hurt. My head was swimming. Kelly had to drive home. I headed straight for the bed and that was the end of me until the evening set in. Most unfortunate.

Strong Winds

This piece by Antonio Vivaldi sums up the last couple of days
Thank goodness the storm has passed.

I told Kelly that I have 3 things to do today:

  1. This post
  2. A post on Pioneer Skill Set and the 5 pins that go with it
  3. A Christmas-themed word puzzle book to sell on KDP and Christmas Shopping All The Time

It doesn’t sound like a lot when you look at a tiny little list like that, but there are a lot of moving parts to all three of these seemingly simple items.

As much as it looks like I’m doing nothing at any given moment in time, I’m actually busy AF. This was my problem when I was a programmer. Sitting there in front of a computer, it’s hard for an overbearing, micromanaging boss to be able to tell if you’re busting your ass on a piece of work or taking a nap with your eyes open. Unfortunately, it’s been my curse to have plenty of those who assumed the latter regardless of whatever was actually occurring.

🤡 Homey don’t play dat! 🤡

Those days are past. I do not tolerate that sort of oversight anymore.

Not from ANYONE.

Not no way!

Not no how!

I’m done being micromanaged. 😧 Fair warning…

A Good Habit

Love is an act of endless forgiveness, a tender look which becomes a habit. ~Peter Ustinov

marriageDespite the friction of the last couple of days, Kelly and I love each other more than ever.

A lack of communication led to certain misunderstandings. Mistakes were made and we stayed mad at each other for a while.

Marriages don’t last without the occasional misstep. The important thing is that we correct our missteps and dance back under the street light where we first fell in love.

Nothing is perfect. It’s stupid to expect it to be.

We’re not so goofy as to believe that it’s going to be 🌞 sunshine and roses 🌹 all the time. We know that nothing is perfect, including ourselves. However, we are perfect for each other. We complete each other in ways that we could not imagine having to do without.

Well-meaning friends who only get half the story on an infinitesimal fraction of the actual issues at hand might be seeing things through the distorted lens of their own past experience, but they don’t actually know the story and ought to simply butt out and let us resolve things the way we always have and always will.

Gotta keep it quick today. See you on Saturday.

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