I Don’t Always…

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I Don’t Always…

Okay, so I had a bit of a mishap last Monday evening. It was unpleasant to go through, but I was very fortunate not to have been seriously injured or even killed. Miracles abound, my friends.

Massive Thanks

To my wife and kids

To my neighbors

To the first responders

To the trauma team at LVHN Cedar Crest ER

To the nurses and hospital staff who cared for me during my stay

To friends and relatives who have offered prayers and kind thoughts

I cannot begin to thank each and every one of you enough for all you’ve done for me and my family. I am deeply grateful for your participation in this miraculously minor mishap.

People seem to think that I’m unaware of how bad this all could have gone.

Not so.

The fact that it is over and I am able to walk around at home with minor discomfort is a great relief to me.

That I choose not to dwell on what might have been might seem odd, but this ain’t my first rodeo. I’ve had a number of brushes with potentially life-ending situations over the years. Fortunately, I survived those as well.

To God above, I am most thoroughly and deeply grateful. Not only for sparing me from my own idiocy on more than one occasion but also for the gift of the most wonderful, devoted and loving wife a man could ever have.

I am a witness to miracles every time I open my eyes and she is there.

Miracles Abound

Honestly, we are constantly surrounded by miracles. These are often nestled in the humdrum continuity of life or even the annoying drudgery and random irritants designed to keep us from recognizing just how utterly miraculous life itself actually is.

Think of the insane abundance available in every supermarket and department store and even 24-hour minimarkets with gas stations being available when you need to get somewhere expeditiously. The world is a field of riotous abundance.

Our lives are a symphony of miracles. For some, it’s unnoticeable background noise. For some, it’s a heartwarming playlist. For most, it’s somewhere in between.

If you’re feeling down

If life is a continuous suck-a-thon

If things aren’t going your way in little matters or huge

 Look for the silver lining 

it’s there, whether you believe it or not. People want to help you. There are enough supplies, enough land, enough water, enough love to sustain you for your entire life if you are willing to let it come to you. Allow the help to come to you. Don’t be too proud to accept a gift willingly given.

Just A Coincidence?

Coincidence is God’s way of remaining anonymous. ~Albert Einstein

To my friends who are not of a religious or spiritual inclination, I won’t force my beliefs upon you. You are free to believe or disbelieve as you see fit.

For me, Serendipity is a constant companion. My guardian angel has been working overtime in my life for years and years now.

That I escaped this potentially fatal situation with just a couple of cracked ribs is nothing less than miraculous whether you believe or not. The odds are simply not in favor of me not having simply squished like a bug.

Strangely, just before I regained consciousness in the ambulance on the way to the hospital I experienced a strange…

I don’t even know what to call it

Certainly not a dream

Some kind of weird pre-conscious state, I suppose you could say

Whatever it was, it was mathematical in nature.

I saw a massive array of rapidly changing numbers. The numbers seem to have represented the probability of a particular outcome. I fixated on some number that somehow signified a positive outcome. I rode that number through the mathematical maelstrom like a boogie board in choppy surf. As that number rolled from possibility to probability, I clutched it with white-knuckled fervor.

This number was my lucky number. I just had to ride it into the statistical kiddy pool. The numbers slowed and my number kept pace with the ebbing numerical tide. I focused on this number like it was the spark of life and I rode it until I awoke.

If you are religious, you might be disappointed with this representation. No angels. No lights. No kindly ancestors. Just numbers.

If you’re not religious, you might just write it off as one of those weird things your brain does under duress.

If you’re me, you’re just glad it worked. Whatever the heck it was, it worked.

So, obviously, I got no work or writing done this past week. I was a bit more focused on healing and dealing with the random discomforts that attend a collection of cracked ribs. While I’m not specifically closer to my goals, I’m certainly glad not to have had to set them aside entirely. I’m generally well and grateful for the things that did not transpire.

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