National Film Score Day 2024

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National Film Score Day 2024

🎼 Feel the beat because today is National Film Score Day. 🎶

Film Scores

Film music should have the same relationship to the film drama that somebody’s piano playing in my living room has on the book I am reading. ~Igor Stravinsky

It’s been a while since I saw a movie with a really catchy score. There are some that stick in your head and never go away.

Some scenes have very noticeable music, particularly chase scenes, fight sequences and panoramic travel montages.

The funny thing is, the scenes where you hardly notice the music at all often have some to maintain the ambience.

As much as I like popular music, some soundtracks really do the trick for long drives or focus sessions at work.

Iconic Movie Music

The Ultimate Movie Score Playlist

Here’s a playlist of theme songs and incidental pieces that may remind you of some of your favorite movies.

It’s funny how hearing a piece from a movie you saw decades ago can take you right back to that theater and put you back in the action or drama.

We don’t necessarily take notice of some of these tunes while we’re watching the movie because we’re engrossed in the story, but it’s interesting how just hearing a familiar refrain will bring you right back to it.

I’ve got to give credit to the composers who come up with these moments. As much as a stirring speech, an evocative poem or a riveting book can impact your life, a catchy score can act like a virtual time machine that yanks you back to that dark theater with your friends, your special someone or your kids.

That’s movie magic.

Book Scores

I always create book soundtracks to capture the overall mood I’m going for and listen to them as I write. Those songs and scores really fuse with the scenes in my mind. ~Claudia Gray

I’ve heard some AuthorTubers talking about building scores for their books and I can totally relate.

Some use them to get into the right frame of mind to write their stories. Some use them to envision their stories on the silver screen in their heads.

I tend to use it as white noise to help me focus. Sometimes I pick something that feels like the mood of a sequence I’m working on, but not so much for The Sentinels.

I think I would tend to use thematic music more for Tales Of Olde Auringia or Far-Flung Reaches.

Since The Sentinels, Collateral Impact and Holiday Season Serial Romances are contemporary “real world” settings, I don’t really need to aim for thematic; just stuff I like to hear that will help me focus.

Likewise for work. As I’ve mentioned, perhaps a bit too often despite it being truer than truth, I’m ridiculously busy. The only way to really knuckle down and get stuff done is to put some tunes on and let the music set the pace.

That’s all for today. I hope you’re having a fabulously lyrical week.

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