Much, Much Too Busy

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Much, Much Too Busy

Yeah, it’s Thursday and even that’s nearly over. I was too busy to get to my Wednesday post out in a timely fashion.

Plausible Deniability

I don’t necessarily agree with everything I say. ~Marshall McLuhan

Since the Leftards are taking over everything, I’m setting up my plausible deniability ahead of time.

Rational people recognize that people are often irresponsible and irreverent in their youth. Thanks to the internet, everything anyone has ever done wrong since the 90s (or on the TV or in the news before that) is able to be used to dig up dirt to start a hate parade and cancel campaign.

That’s what these idiots want. They want you to think just like them and they want to be a peg or two higher in the pecking order so that they can feel justified in looking down their noses at you.

Instead of forgiving people for indiscretions, youthful or otherwise, they’d be happy to keep that in their back pocket in hopes of being able to use it to tear someone down.

Conservatives, on the whole, are perfectly happy to have a good laugh at your indiscretions in the moment and move on. We assume that one with either learn a lesson from such things or will remain an idiot and provide future opportunities for passing amusement.

You do you = Conservative POV

Do what I say, whether that changes from day to day or not = Liberal POV

It would be funny if they hadn’t wrested control of such important institutions. Their unbridled greed for control over everyone else is reaping a horrible harvest of absolute crap.

The thing is, letting these idiots run things into the ground for a while is typically all that’s needed for most people to wake up and say, who put these idiots in charge of anything?

Unfortunately, they may be dumb as paste and insidious as wheedling little goblins but they are crafty and good at networking.

They’re not only infesting a lot of crucial institutions but they’re building a massively moronic synergy among themselves.

It’s absolutely maddening because the more they get entrenched in these positions, the harder it is to scrape the fuckers out.

Even when Trump got into office, there were so many of these lurking horrors in the permanent bureaucracy that he could barely get anything accomplished.

If he was even a fraction as horrible as they’d have us believe, most of them would have quickly become unemployed and more than a few would have found themselves in Club Fed for some of the shit they’ve been up to.

Unfortunately, he was too nice of a guy. He was hoping to transform the structure with his private sector style.

Honestly, they’re driving us to a breaking point and it won’t be long before the things they accuse us of wanting to do start actually happening.

They think they can slander with impunity because anyone who tries to defend themselves gets canceled by Leftard rat packs and armies of bots set up to look like outraged citizens.

Fuck the liars. Every last one of them. When necessities become unaffordable and unavailable, all the nicey-nice crap they pretend to preach is going to go out the window.

We tried to tell you, we don’t want to be Venezuela North. We don’t want to be eating from dumpsters and roadkill instead of restaurants and grocery stores. Reality means nothing to these idiots until it comes down on them like a meteor strike.

The longer they’re in charge, the bigger the meteor’s going to wind up being.

Busy AF

VeggieTales: Busy Busy

The song above expresses my current state pretty well.

Actually, that song is from a Veggie Tales version of the Parable of the Good Samaritan. Instead of the Priest and the Levite, it’s the mayor and a doctor who are too busy to help Larry get out of the hole.

The folks at VeggieTales are comedic geniuses. Their shows are hilarious for kids and adults. They’re also educational.

They use pop culture interpretations to represent core JudeoChristian ideals. Sunday School values and Saturday Morning Fun, as they say.

They’re brilliant. If you’re ever feeling down, you can’t go wrong taking a moment to watch these hilarious little sketches.

Veggietales | Larry Boy and The Rumor Weed | Full Episode | Cartoons For Children

Larry Boy is their foray into superhero culture and they handle it marvelously. They hit all the standard tropes and make silly callbacks to the superhero films and shows of their time. Larry Boy’s car looks an awful lot like Michael Keaton’s batmobile.

This episode has one of the best lines in the whole series. The villain in this episode is the Rumor Weed. It grows stronger by spreading insidous lies about people and events (kind of like Leftards).

One of its lies is that Larry Boy’s butler is actually a robot. They’re prepared to go completely torch and pitchfork on him and the only thing he can say in his defense is:

๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ˜นย I’m not a robot. I’m…๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡งBritish!๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡ง ๐Ÿ˜น๐Ÿคฃ

Absolutely classic.

The thing about the Rumor Weed is that she gets inflated with power by spreading lies to the point where she’s nearly unstoppable, just like the Leftards who are driving this country and, indeed, the world into the crapper.

What deflates the monster is the truth. When the facts are revealed that the butler is not a robot and none of the other lies that had been circulating were true, she shrank back to a rather pathetic little thing that couldn’t do much harm.

Can’t wait until that happens in our society. There are a lot of truths that are being suppressed by a deliberate conspiracy of media talking points which need to be dragged into the light of day. I hope that happens before it’s too late to recover.

I’ve Been Workin’ On The…๐Ÿš‚

Research is creating new knowledge. ~Neil Armstrong

Okay, well, not the railroad but I have been putting a lot of whatever time I haven’t been putting into software tweaks and report designs into research for current and future projects.

I had a bit of a notion about Holly and Ivy. Obviously, I’m riffing off of the old Christmas carol to get ideas for this year’s story and it finally occurred to me that it’s not a case of one problematic sister and the nice one who’s going to get her guy.

Just like the plants they’re named after, they’re both kind of toxic and destructive. That should make for a more interesting story. We usually want to favor the romantic leads in our RomComs, but I’d like to turn that on its head a bit.

Since Holly and Ivy are both awful in their own way, the standard romance beats will get spun a bit to fit the unpleasant natures of these two in order to wind up with a happy ending. I mean, you have to have a happy ending to a Holiday Season Serial Romance.

As for the โš”๏ธ Tales Of Olde Auringia ๐Ÿง™๐Ÿผ, everybody likes to hate on “Fake Medieval Germany” settings like Lord of the Rings, fairy tales or a lot of D&D-inspired novels.

I’ve always had an affection for Northern Asian cultures such as Japan, Korea and Mongolia as well as an interest in Vikings, Finns and Varangians. I’m inspired by the Ages of Charlemagne and Alfred the Great.

The massive conflict between the Mongolian Empire (and successor states) and the people they invaded on a regular basis is a vast tapestry of drama and intercultural exchange.

Slavic Tribal Music

Ancient Slavic Battle Music

Well, you can’t just pick bits and pieces of each of the above out of context because they’ll accuse you of cultural appropriation. On the other hand, there’s always fusion.

Not only does it make for some interesting food combinations and provide energy for time-traveling flying cars, but it also describes blending a lot of the cultures I mentioned above with a lot of the sword and sorcery or high fantasy tropes to make for an interesting milieu.

For those who care to categorize, there are differences between Sword and Sorcery and HIgh Fantasy other than one’s a pulpy page-turner and the other is an excuse to write a half-million word tome because wizards.

For me, ultimately, it’s just about telling an interesting story set in a D&D campaign world I developed for some friends of mine at work back in the late 90s / early 2000’s.

As for The Sentinels, they’ve got Empire City (pretend New York). The world-building is largely a question of tweaking real NYC according to what I know about it (I have been there a few times and plan to do so again when they get control of the place and the jackass who’s currently causing havoc as mayor) and what I need to happen in the story.

Auringia needs to be largely original (even though there’s “nothing new under the sun”) despite being based loosely on the aforementioned historical cultures and conflicts.

The HU – Wolf Totem (Official Music Video)

Svarica – Plodovima hvala

Okay, great Rob. You’ve got fake medieval Russo-Altaic Siberia instead of fake medieval Germany. ๐Ÿฑ Woo ๐ŸŽ† hoo. ๐Ÿฒ Way to be original, slick.

Well, wise ass, that’s where the research comes in. In order to produce a fusion, you’ve got to immerse yourself in the things that make up your imaginary world and figure out what works in the story and what doesn’t.

Add to that a dash of spice to make the place feel believably exotic and you’ve got yourself an original milieu to set your stories in.

Incidentally, not everyone makes stuff up like Professor Tolkien. Conan’s settings were archaic names for places right here on plain old Earth. Cimmeria is what they used to call the Crimean Area on the northern and eastern shores of the Black Sea.

On the other hand, you’ve got people making up new worlds left and right for their stories. Whatever floats your boat, really.

For me, it’s Empire City, the Grand Duchy of Auringia and the Far-Flung Reaches of space. That’s where I’m hanging my hat (that I never actually wear because I don’t really like wearing hats).

So, since this is a day late and a dollar short, there are no Hump Day jokes to make here. I hope you’re having a less stressful week than me.

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