Graveyard Shift

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Graveyard Shift

I’ll be spending some time at the Charles Baber Garden Cemetery in Pottsville today as Allan helps his friend work on an Eagle Project.

Seeing Clearly

Where there is no vision, there is no hope. ~George Washington Carver

Gee, Rob, why are you going to be hanging around in a cemetery?

My son, Allan, recently finished up his Eagle Project at the cemetery of our church. His brother scout, Tim, helped with the work on Allan’s project.

Thing is, it’s more than simple reciprocation. Scouts are obliged to do a good deed daily. The scouts are a group of young men bound by a common goal of leaving the world better than they found it.

That’s something we should all try to do.

There are seasons in life.

Sometimes you need.

Sometimes you need to be the one who helps the one in need.

We all experience ups and downs.

The important thing is to know which is which and deal with what is rather than being delusional about it.

Pride goeth before a fall, as they say.

Problem is, being prideful and being destroyed isn’t always reversible.

I Understand

Boston – Peace of Mind (Audio)

People and societies often need to hit bottom in order to fully recover and get back on track. Knowing that there’s a problem and dealing with it rationally will always be preferable to swan-diving headfirst into a dry well.

We have a unique opportunity to prevent a calamity this year.

👴🏻 Back in my day… 👴🏻

…the difference between the Red Team and the Blue Team was that the former felt that a strong stance against Soviet aggression was more important to allocate federal resources to than internal matters while the latter felt the reverse was true. As always, the truth lay somewhere in the middle. The pendulum of which way attention and resources were allocated swung between these two ideological poles.

Things have moved on from that.

Both teams are experiencing a severe rot at the root. The Red Team has fallen into a serious state of inaction while the Blue Team is as busy as a bad case of cancer.

Both are a problem. Both probably need to be removed and replaced.

The Whigs and Tories fell into the dustbin of history and it looks like the Democrats and Republicans need to do so as well.

The Republicans began as an abolitionist movement. Okay, mission accomplished. Slavery was abolished and 100% the Republicans signed the Civil Rights Act of 1964 while 0% of Democrats did after selling Black people out in the Compromise of 1877 in order to prevent restarting the Civil War and allowing the Democrats to start the repressive Jim Crow era that was finally ended with the aforementioned Civil Rights Act.

The Democrats have been self-serving, seditious pieces of 💩 since day one. Between defending the preservation of a slave economy, starting the Civil War, violently resisting Reconstruction, instituting Jim Crow, resisting the Civil Rights Act, pivoting from pro-slavery racist pieces of 💩 to “progressive” pro-communist pieces of 💩 was kind of a longterm stealth move but certainly no less reprehensible and essentially anti-American. The Democrats should never have been allowed to start, so it’s well past time that they ended.

Until we get around to doing that, we’ve got to deal with the situation at hand. You’ve got an incumbent who wants to preserve our way of life and an opposition party that wants to enrich and empower themselves at the dreadful expense of the rest of us.

We’ve seen what happens to countries that switch to socialism. I don’t want us to become the next Venezuela. Let’s not do that, huh?


Insight is the first condition of Art. ~George Henry Lewes

Meaningful stories investigate the human condition either deeply, as with literature, or just as a comical observation of human nature, as with popular fiction. The whole point of telling stories is really to tell us something about ourselves.

That’s what I hope to do with my stories. More on that later…

Gotta get going. Time to go to work…

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