Sell! Sell! Sell!

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Sell! Sell! Sell!

Well, things are getting a bit tight and it’s time to sell some stuff in order to help make ends meet.


I have been in a wretched malaise for entirely too long now. I’ve begun meditating to help alleviate some of the worst of what I’ve been through. I’m starting simple with a mindful breathing exercise. The trick is to simply focus on your breath.





When you’re able to focus on the simple act of inhaling and exhaling, you can start adding to the process. You might want to add a simple mantra to the exercise.





If you’re spiritually or religiously inclined, you can make it a sort of prayer.





There are even more advanced techniques and guided meditations of all types available on YouTube, but this is where I’m at so far. Whenever I need to destress a bit, all I need to do is focus on my breathing and adding useful mantras as needed.

I’ll be adding some self-help courses to this site. As I go through them and find them helpful, you’ll find them posted on my Products page.


Speaking of back to basics, part of the reason I got online was to make some freaking money. Go figure.

To that end, I’ve been working on my extended rights marketplace called Nichyssoise. I’ll be adding original content such as Use Excel Well and the Flat Belly Diet Article Tenpack as well as third-party products to which I have acquired rights.

I’ve also put some of my domains up for sale. Call me gullible. Call me a fool. However, since GoDaddy has kindly decided that some of my domains have a premium value, I’ve decided to sell them at a premium price.

I will consider serious offers, but if somebody tries to pull some Ferengi crap with me I will pull them right back off the market and monetize them as I’d originally planned to. I don’t go for that American Pickers stuff. I’ve stated a price. It may be absolutely fantastical, but if GoDaddy says it’s reasonable then that’s what I’m asking.

Some fast-talking idiot who tries to low-ball me and get away with a bargain is going to simply piss me off. Please, don’t waste your time or mine.

These domains have pretty juicy names, so I’m sure an experienced domain flipper can probably take the thousand or so they’d pay me and turn it into five, ten or twenty grand. Problem is, these jokers would rather pay me maybe a hundred and increase their profit margin. Again, don’t waste your time. I’m not budging far from the posted price.

If worse comes to worst, I’m pulling them off and putting them back to their original intended purpose.

The domains are Ace Wingman (great for dating/relationships niche content) and Paid to Pretend (great for anything having to do with theater, TV/Movies or even YouTube web shows). If you’re interested in either or both, feel free to contact me.


Art is making something out of nothing and selling it. ~Frank Zappa

Well, nothing is what I’ve had for quite some time. Fortunately, things are coming into focus a bit better for me of late and I’m back on track with the storyline.

As I mentioned previously, the story I’d written by the seat of my pants had gotten itself into a Gordian Knot. As usual, it took some turns that I couldn’t let it go to. It’s fine to let a story develop organically like that, but things can occasionally go in an uncomfortably weird direction.

Of late, I’ve stepped back and looked at how I can incorporate that into a longer story arc and came up with an idea that I think will do the milieu some justice. I can tell you that it’s a superhero genre story, but I’m hoping to provide these guys with a moral/philosophical anchor that makes their actions more inspiring than simply stopping bank robberies, organized crime or megalomaniacs with designs of worldwide domination.

That’s all been done to death.

Granted, they will need to fight some bad guys but the reason that they do will be a bit bigger than the usual cape and spandex adventures.

I’ll let you know how things are going as these sales progress.

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