Bumps in the Road

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Bumps in the Road

Well, you know the seasons are changing when:

  • The temperature starts jumping like an acrobat in a bouncy castle
  • The roads of my beloved home state start popping potholes like a post-apocalyptic panorama
  • My Shiba Inu starts blowing his coat like a teddy bear with weak seams

Yes, the harbingers of Spring are abundant in the extreme. So much the better. We’ve had more than enough ice and snow for one season. Time to move on to pretty flowers and insidious allergens.


Into every life some bumps emerge. Yesterday was pretty bumpy. That sucked. Could live without that crap.

Some More Rules

Rule #264-265: Not yet cited in Star Trek episodes, movies or novels

One-fifth of the people are against everything all the time. ~Robert Kennedy

So, 20% of people are complete a-holes? Seems a bit low, but I guess it’s as good a guess as any. Fortunately, 20% doesn’t constitute a majority so they can’t enforce their negativity on the rest of us. However, 20% is a big enough block of influence to drag other, more reasonable people down into their world of crap. There’s entirely too much of that today. So many jerks spreading so much hate anymore. Don’t be that guy. Don’t drink the h8r-ade.

Rule #266: When in doubt, lie

zOMG! These Ferengi! For Pete’s sake, don’t. Do not follow this rule.

Goodness gracious.

The thing with lying is that you have to remember what lies you told. Usually, you don’t and then the lies compound and you paint yourself into a corner. When you tell the truth, you don’t have to remember what you told someone because the truth is the same every time. Freaking Ferengi…

Rule #267-271: Not yet cited in Star Trek episodes, movies or novels

There are many ways to be free. One of them is to transcend reality by imagination, as I try to do. ~Anais Nin

Years ago, I had a sign that I displayed in my windshield. It read, “Reality is for those who lack imagination.” It was my announcement to the world that I don’t participate in humdrum reality. Over the years, the sun made it warped and brittle. Eventually, it shattered into so much dust. The message remains and so does the attitude. Imagination is far much more important than conformity.

Rule #272: Always inspect the merchandise before making a deal

Wow, the Ferengi finally said something sensible. Yes, make sure that what you think you’re buying IS what you’re buying. A lot of people make bad decisions because they don’t have the relevant information. Make sure you know what you’re getting so that you know whether it’s worth what you’re planning to pay for it.

Rule #273-279: Not yet cited in Star Trek episodes, movies or novels

There are many ways of going forward, but only one way of standing still. ~Franklin D Roosevelt

This is truer than true. There are so many paths before you. You can choose which path to follow. Some are harder than others. Some are smooth and some are bumpy as heck. Only you can tell what’s a deal-killer for you. Some people have no problem going a certain way while others wouldn’t go there for a million dollars. Only you can pursue your path. Make your choice and let others make theirs.

Don’t let the bumps in the road break your axles, pop your tires or put you out of alignment. Do your best to stay on course. Only your determination can overcome the obstacles life throws you.

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