National Tapioca Pudding Day 2023

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National Tapioca Pudding Day 2023

Today is National Tapioca Pudding Day despite the fact that most people have no idea what the heck a tapioca is. It’s like Rice Pudding’s weird cousin, but I like it anyway.

Weekend 😺 Happiness

Happiness grows at our own firesides, and is not to be picked in strangers’ gardens. ~Douglas William Jerrold

It’s been a wringer of a week and I just need to get some deep, sweet, high-octane sleepy-sleep.

I’m utterly knackered. Sucks getting old.

Nevertheless, it happens to all of us eventually.

I’ve been burning extra hot for weeks at this point and I’m just tapped out.

This weekend will be dedicated to kicking back and recovering from abusing my afterburners.

It’s time to take a slow, deep breath and just be. I might even take a long, soaky bubble bath.

Primarily, there will be quality pillow time this weekend.

And when I wake up?

Maybe a bowl of tapioca pudding.

What The Heck Is A Tapioca?

What Is Tapioca? / Easy Tapioca Pudding Recipe

So, it’s a pearl of starch from the cassava root indigenous to Central and South America. It’s a gluten-free starch used to thicken gravy or sauces as well as making rice-alternative nuggets for tasty pudding.

So, I’ve learned something new today. I’ve eaten more than my fair share of tapioca pudding, having absolutely no idea what it was. As my favorite Russian proverb says, it’s not a shame not to know but it is a shame not to learn.

Honestly, you can’t have enough pudding in your life. There are so many tremendous varieties of pudding to choose from, but today’s #1 pudding is tapioca.


Every art expression is rooted fundamentally in the personality and temperament of the artist. ~Hans Hofmann

Well, I think that’s fairly inescapable. The thing that makes a particular artist different from another is their own personality and temperament.

There’s a distinct difference between the paintings of John William Waterhouse, Claude Monet, Thomas Kinkade, Eugene Delacrois and Bob Ross.

They have their own times, styles, subjects and techniques. If they were able to jump in a time machine and be at the same place, they might or might not get along.

They are individuals. We all are. You have value, simply because you exist.

This is why any two or more writers who start from the same basic writing prompt will not come up with the same story.

This is also why there is nothing stopping you from writing your own story your own way.

A country author will have different perspectives and experiences than an urban author. A young author will have different ideas than an elderly one.

Individualism is spectacular. Variety is the spice of life, so let’s share our work and find our reader base to serve.

There are people aching for a book they’d enjoy reading. Isn’t it time you gave it to them?

I am. I have. You should, too.

That’s it for today. I hope you have a chance to kick back and relax with a tasty cup of tapioca pudding this weekend.

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