Fall Has Fell

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Fall Has Fell

My very favorite season arrived at 3:21PM this afternoon. πŸ‚ Huzzah! πŸ‚ Commence au Festival! I’m baking a sugar-free spice cake and going hog freakin’ wild today…

πŸ‚ DeliciousΒ πŸ‚ Autumn πŸ‚

Delicious autumn! My very soul is wedded to it, and if I were a bird I would fly about the earth seeking the successive autumns. ~George Eliot

Seriously, if I could just live in an enormous holodeck where it was πŸ‚ Autumn πŸ‚ for ten months out of the year and ❄️ Winter ❄️ the other two, that would be just about perfect.

We’re less than 100 days away from Christmas and things really start speeding up from this point on. Halloween, Thanksgiving, Advent, Christmas, New Year’s, Epiphany, it’s a merry old rollercoaster from here on out.

So long the Dog Days of Summer and welcome the long, cool nights of πŸ‚ Autumn πŸ‚ and ❄️ Winter ❄️ .

πŸ‚ Autumn πŸ‚ ChillΒ πŸ‚

11 HOURS of 4K Enchanting Autumn Nature Scenes
Relaxing Piano Music for Stress Relief

If I’m being honest, the music gets a bit tedious after a while but the scenery is genuinely inspiring. I’ll see if I can find a better one for my next post.

πŸ‚ Autumn πŸ‚ is definitely a time to chill, and brother am I going to need to chill. I’ve got to get myself prepared to get my eye surgeries done in November and December.

I can’t even stand to get the eye drops in, much less having people sticking stuff in or on my eye. I have no earthly idea of how I’m going to get through it. I don’t know if the relaxant they use is going to be sufficient to offset my extreme defensiveness about my eyes.

I mean, it’s not really a thing you should get used to. People are naturally defensive about stuff getting in their eyes. You’re not supposed to go around letting people touch your eyes, now are you?

It’s a perfectly valid thing to have a panic attack about. That and πŸ•ΈοΈ spiders, because, yuck… πŸ•·οΈ

We πŸ‚ Fall

United we stand, divided we fall. ~Aesop

Tonight’s reading at the Greater Lehigh Valley Writer’s Group Writer’s Cafe shows the cracks in my superhero team beginning to form.

On the face of it, they’re all one happy team. Well, except for Meirhe. She’s kind of a jerk.

She’s got reason to be, but she’s not entirely aware of why that is. She’s obviously stressed by being stuck in an alien world but there’s more to it than that.

We haven’t seen the real baddies of the story yet. They’re a large part of the reason she is the way she is. She has an unremembered trauma that she’s going to have to come to terms with.

It would be nice if she had Tanda as a friend to help her through it, but she’s doing her very best to keep the new hero at arm’s length.

It’s going to take a lot of the book for her to discover why she dislikes Tanda and why she’s usually so disagreeable. Until it all comes into focus, it’s going to continue driving a very harmful wedge into the structure of the team.

That’s all for now. I have a cake to bake. πŸ‚ Happy Autumn, everybody!Β πŸ‚

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