Getting In Gear

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Getting In Gear

Today is the first day of the rest of my life. That’s very easy to say. It’s also really hard to do.

Get Your Head On Straight

The funny thing about not having both oars in the water is that the harder you row, the faster you go around in circles and don’t get anywhere.

You genuinely cannot, cannot, cannot do the same thing repeatedly and expect different results.

You’d think I’d have figured this out by now.

Technically, I did. Thing is, I still didn’t make the emotional shift that makes it possible to do something else. I’ve been dipping a toe in the pool and called it swimming.

A lot of people do this. It’s a trap that most of us fall into.

Do The Work

Yeah, it’s all well and good to wish for a winning lottery ticket or whatever. Everybody wants a fairy godmother or a wealthy late uncle whose will they didn’t know they were in.

Those are a couple of ways to roll. Some people get that surprise, but most of them wind up squandering it because they weren’t properly prepared for the difference. If you’re used to burning through all the loose cash in your pocket, a lottery jackpot or grand inheritance will burn off as wastefully as a bit of personal petty cash or a fiver you found on the ground.

The world we live in today affords so many amazing opportunities to make money outside of the usual bucks for dollars model.

I’ve been an avid student of all of them for the last couple of years. Well, as Frank (and my own wife) said, that’s really just fuq’n around.

Okay, well I’ve been on a rampage to get a number of projects done before all the ouchies are healed and I’m back to the factory floor. There’s little or no guarantee that I’ll meet that particular goal, but I’ll keep cranking away until the ankle and ribs are serviceable again.

Reap The Rewards

Some people dream of success, while other people get up every morning and make it happen. ~Wayne Huizenga

Waking up and just spending another day wandering around reacting to things is typical. It’s the way most people live. I’ve done more than my fair share of it.

Being atypical is more my groove.
I’ve always known that I wasn’t born to be normal.

I’ve never enjoyed being normal and trying to fit into the cookie cutter drives me bonkers.

When you live on purpose, life itself is the reward. Just the fact that you are living in accordance with your desires rather than your circumstances is a bottomless treasure chest.

Be you. Believe you can shape your life and you will. Dare to be different.

The thing to keep in mind is that believing is important, even crucial, to changing your life and the world at large.

Even more important is having someone who has your back. Having friends in your corner is an absolute must. My wife is my best friend for life.

Hers was the last voice I heard before I blacked out under the van and hers is one of the first familiar faces I saw after they were done assessing me in the ER. Kelly is the very reason for me to go on living. I love her and owe her more than I can even try to repay.

She says my smile is enough, but she’s the one who puts the smile on my face.

Hopefully, you’ll decide to take control of your destiny today. No matter what has gone before, you can always pick yourself up and start all over again.

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