National Flannel Day, 2021

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National Flannel Day, 2021

Interestingly enough, today is National Flannel Day. Coincidentally, I wore a flannel shirt to take Allan to karate this evening. Woo!

Don’t Even Get Me Fuckin’ Started

Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves. ~Carl Jung

Sure, I understand that a lot of people are assholes.

A lot of them are in Congress

More than enough of them are trying to impeach the former President for a second time on yet another made-up nonsensical charge.

Setting aside the fact that it’s unconstitutional to impeach a private citizen, the charge of incitement to insurrection is absolute bullshit. There is more than enough evidence to point to the fact that the Capitol Building riot was planned days or even weeks in advance.

Facts mean nothing to Libtards.

We’re living in a brain-dead craptopia that I hope we are able to soon wake up from. Even wilful ignorance and carefully scripted narratives have to crash on the rocky shores of reality at some point. It’s inevitable.

Hopefully, someone with a clue will be on hand to help pick up the pieces and undo the damage done by the jackasses currently at the wheel.

Pretty, Pretty Love

10 Hours of Relaxing Music
Sleep Music, Soft Piano Music & Healing Music
by Soothing Relaxation

Okay, deep breaths.

It’s been said that the only difference between genius and idiocy is that genius actually has limits.

Be that as it may, I’m only too glad of the genius of people who provide hours of inspirational music when you’re in desperate need of a cool down and some pretty, pretty love.

Words, Words, Words

Words are but the signs of ideas. ~Samuel Johnson

Yeah, the words are at a minimum because my need to catch up on work is at a maximum.

I have been keeping up with my studies and bouncing concepts pertinent to the story, but I’m not making actual practical progress.

And more’s the pity…

So, yes, I’m still struggling with work/life balance.

Yes, that seems like a cheap cliffhanger to end with but it is what it is. I’m rapidly running out of Wednesday and have totally run out of things to say.

My goodness, I’m worn the hell out.

I hope your week is proceeding more productively. Throw me some positive thoughts if you think of it.

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