New Week, Old Project

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New Week, Old Project

A lovely long weekend was just that, a weekend. There was no work accomplished. Sure, I edited some existing videos but no actual new content was created and I’m furious. I hate losing time like that. I hate it and I’m furious!

And miles to go before I sleep



I have things to do, dammit! All weekend I was trying to stress to everyone involved that I need QUIET , but  NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!

Fergawdzakes! It’s absolutely maddening!

So, I need to find some quiet space in a noisy freaking house so I can get this project done. For crying out loud. Don’t worry, I will do it. It’s getting done. I have other things to move on to, so it’s getting done and that is my last word on the matter.

Some More Rules

Rule #126-134: Not yet cited in Star Trek episodes, movies or novels

A blocked path also offers guidance

Being thus thwarted, I am indeed learning some lessons. All very valuable but infuriating nevertheless. It is in the fury of obstruction that the desire for resolution is most enflamed. It’s like seeing the finishing line from behind the bars of a cage. You know it’s there. You can see it clearly. You’re just stuck. Fortunately, another thing that comes with fury is a burst of energy. A boost of adrenaline to bend the bars of the cage. A sudden surge of rage to tear through all obstacles and just get it freaking done! That’s what I’m feeling here, friends. I’m seething with anger at the lack of progress and the narrow avenues of advance. I’ve got things to accomplish and frankly, it’s clobberin’ time!

Rule #135: Listen to secrets, but never repeat them

That seems a bit suspect. This rule comes from a novel, so I can see why it doesn’t seem properly Ferengi or even vaguely sensible. I can see a Ferengi listening to lots of secrets with those hypersensitive, giant ears of theirs. As to not repeating them? Heck, no. Everything is for sale, especially secrets. Secrets have the best resale value if you’re a conniving little scheming Ferengi.

This “rule” points out one of the issues of allowing people to write in a millieu created by others. There are a lot of Star Trek novels that are absolute dreck, but sold anyway only because the name recognition of the Star Trek franchise. I’m beginning to understand why some intellectual property owners are so very protective of their creations. I appreciate the love expressed in fan fiction by aficionados of any given franchise, but I also understand the risk of allowing it to appear legitimate or authorized.

Rule #136-138: Not yet cited in Star Trek episodes, movies or novels

Everything is funny, as long as it’s happening to somebody else ~Will Rogers

We’re a lot more empathetic these days, but this remains true. There’s a certain naughty joy we get from watching others faceplant when trying to do tricks, falling into fountains in the mall while texting and other sorts of schadenfreude. While we can feel badly for the victim of the mishap, we really can’t help giggling in selfish glee at the sight of someone else falling prey to the law of gravity or the law of unintended consequences.

Rule #139: Wives serve; brothers inherit

[At Quark’s]
BASHIR: We’ve got to get him to the surgery. Help me get him up here.
(Quark is lifted onto the anti-grav and floated away)
ROM: He’s dying, isn’t he? He’s dying. What am I going to do if my brother dies?
ODO: Do? Oh, you’ll have a lot to do once this place is yours.
ROM: But if he dies. Mine?
ODO: Wives serve, brothers inherit. Rule of Acquisition number one hundred thirty nine, if I’m not mistaken.
ROM: I hadn’t thought of that.
ODO: Really? I had. Because it’s a solid motive for murder.
ROM: Yes, actually, I have heard of a few untimely deaths that seemed. Wait a minute, you’re not suggesting that I?
ODO: I’ve had my eye on you for a long time, Rom. You’re not as stupid as you look.
ROM: I am too. I would never
SISKO: Constable, it’s his own brother.
ROM: My own brother.
SISKO: I hardly think
ODO: Stay out of this, Commander. I know these Ferengi. They’d sell their own flesh and blood for a Cardassian groat.

Some more Ferengi chauvenism for you. Since females are forbidden to earn profit, it stands to reason that inheritance would go to a brother if no son is available.

This has absolutely no application in the real world. Unless you come from some backward corner of the planet where women are still treated like property, women are fully entitled to inherit from their husbands. Likewise, women can indeed earn profit and more than a few of my favorite gals online do exactly that. The future is now and the Ferengi are ridiculous throwbacks. Women CAN earn profit. ‘Nuff said.

Rule #140: Not yet cited in Star Trek episodes, movies or novels

To succeed in life in today’s world, you must have the will and tenacity to finish the job. ~Chin-Ning Chu

So, as much as I was stymied this weekend I’m not defeated, only delayed. I’m hacked off about it, to be sure. I’m not defeated. I am getting this done so I can move on to other projects! Temporary setbacks are a part of life.

Sometimes you need to repriortize your family time ahead of your projects. After all, you’re doing it to take care of your family. What good is it if you abandon them while you are trying to take care of them? That’s pretty paradoxical.

Let’s keep things in perspective, though. You need to get some work done and you need to have some down time. Finding that balance is a big struggle in our society.

I’m not entirely sure I’ve got that worked out. I often feel that I’m just running from one side of a seesaw to the other and back again. I think a lot of people do. Balance is found in the center. As an eccentric, I (by definition) have more than one center. I think a lot of people have that problem, too.

How to solve it?

When I figure that out, I’ll sell a product telling you how I did it. Well, if I can get some QUIET  to record the bloody thing that is.

I’m aggravated as heck and I’m not going to take it anymore. I’ve got things to do and they need to get done now. Let me know how you’re faring on your projects. Hopefully, you’re making lots of awesome progress and even more awesome profits.

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