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We got a bumper crop of snow this week. As an added bonus, the groundhog 🎩 came across with an additional 6 weeks of winter.

❄️ Falling 🌨️ Softly ❄️

Advice is like snow – the softer it falls, the longer it dwells upon, and the deeper it sinks into the mind. ~Samuel Taylor Coleridge

Tyranny, on the other hand, falls like a damned sledgehammer. As if we haven’t been buried under a year of arbitrary rule without remedy, we’ve got a freshly minted administration full of reactionary stupid.

We can’t help but feel smothered by the avalanche of idiocy coming out of Washington lately.

The far left is having an absolute holiday at all of our expenses. Biden is ripping the wires out of the fine-tuned machine that Trump had installed during his term.


Not because there was anything wrong, but because Trump built it. If Trump made it, Biden is obligated to destroy it.

No matter how many jobs it kills. No matter how many union jobs it kills.

If Trump made it, it has to go.

Fucking idiotic.

Oh, well. That’s what lots of NeverTrumpers, Democraps, undocumented people with handfuls of stolen identities each and lots and lots of dead people voted for.

At least the dead ones won’t have to live with the consequences of their perfidy…

❄️ More 🪕 Banjo ❄️

Willow Osborne – Foggy Mountain Breakdown

Okay, time for a deep breath and cooling down a bit. This calls for some badass banjo music.

Willow has a channel with a lot of interesting content and brilliant banjo music.

I’m sure you need a little cheering up and there’s nothing like some picking and rolling to brighten your snowy winter day.

❄️ You Can’t Handle The Truth ❄️

Fiction reveals truths that reality obscures. ~Jessamyn West

Symbolism is the currency of memorable fiction. The ability to create worlds where things go exactly as you specify is a powerful engine for plucking at truths that may be too sensitive to address at the time of publication.

You can also play with some of the most timeless truths in a variety of interesting ways. Human nature doesn’t change all that much no matter the window dressing.

Politicians can be ruthless in ancient Athens, the Roman Senate, the court of Byzantium, medieval aristocracies across the face of the planet, right on up to the modern day or space nations of the imaginary future.

Some authors address world-shaking issues like slavery, economic theory or world wars. Some authors address deeply personal issues like coming of age, losing a loved one or coping with an illness or injury.

However you package it, authors typically have something to say. The more memorable ones say something worth discussing in schools and universities for generations to come. The less memorable ones say they’d like to get paid for cranking out a page-turner. Either way, there’s a lid for every pot.

That’s the truth that a lot of us can’t handle.

Not everyone can be Dickens or Dostoevski.

Not everyone can be King or Crichton.

Not everyone can be Martin or Rowling.

Not everyone needs to be.

Some people just want to tell an engaging story. If they accidentally happen upon a timeless truth, so much the better. Sometimes we just want to park our brains a while and let someone else navigate a detour for us and that’s okay.

That’s all for today. Hope you’re ready to ski down the slope of the rest of the week. I know I am.

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