Chugging Right Along

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Chugging Right Along

Alright, I had a little downtime due to illness and busy schedules but I’m back on track and chugging right along. I’m on my third “special” video and I’m drawing a bit of a blank. No earthly idea of what to do with that one yet. Oh well, the day is young. I’ll figure something out.


The plan is fairly simple and that’s the whole intent. This is meant to be simple so that it can be duplicated by the students who will be purchasing my how-to video course later this year. I’m trying to keep this completely repeatable and so simple that nearly anyone could do it. As such, I keep having great ideas and then saying to myself “No! You can’t do that with this channel. You’re trying to keep it simple for gosh-sakes! Do that with another niche.” Then I start getting frustrated and want to get done with this one so I can start implementing all those cool ideas in another niche! It’s so hard to stick to the script…

More on me

Well, I’ve been running into colleagues and friends from the factory of late. I can’t say I miss it much, but I do miss them. Fortunately, a lot of them have Facebook accounts so I’ve been able to touch base with some of them. Others, I just encounter randomly while I’m out and about. Honestly, my feet and ankles still hurt just thinking about that place. Ow! I’ve got an appointment with the podiatrist sometime in the indeterminate future. Hopefully, they’ll have something useful to say on how to restore the long-term walking capacity of my dreadfully sore feet. I also agreed to schedule an appointment for the colonoscopy. That can stay theoretical for as long as possible. Not looking forward to that particular rite of passage.

Quote of the Day

Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet. ~Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Patience is usually one of my virtues, but only up to a certain point. When I was in the Air Force, I was expected to be on time to things that would then require me to wait inordinate amounts of time. “Hurry up and wait” is a refrain anybody who has ever served in any branch of the military is well acquainted with. On top of that, I have always been a fairly patient person. Waiting for due season has never been a major problem. I’m as impatient for Christmas to come as the next kid, but I’m also well aware that it’s a thing that comes when it comes.

What I’m not patient for is ambiguity. I want to know when something is going to happen. As such, my current activities are really frustrating as all heck. I’m planting seeds like it’s going out of style, but there is no Old Internet Marketer’s Almanack to tell me when to anticipate germination, sprouting, flowering or fruit production. There are no hard and fast guidelines on how long it will take for my channel to drive traffic to my site and honestly, it’s kind of hacking me off.

Whether this works or not, I really can’t wait to be done so that I can move on to something a bit more concrete and predictable. I’ve got some other items to attend to and I’m as impatient as a kid on Christmas Eve even though it’s effectively more like the day before the day before Thanksgiving or perhaps more like the day after the day after Labor Day when they start playing Christmas music at the mall and putting out the holiday decorations.

That’s my status for the nonce. I’m cranking out videos like a happy little machine and waiting rather impatiently for results. Grrrrr…..

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