Here We Go Again

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Here We Go Again

In fairness, this winter was predicted to be a humdinger by the Old Farmer’s Almanac and by the wooly bear caterpillars crawling around my back porch last year. Doesn’t feel much like Global Warming to me.

Oh yes, they’ve rebranded it as Climate Change because Al Gore kept getting snowed out whenever he tried to have a Global Warming Summit. Technically, the climate changes in a predictable cycle so that’s bullcrap as well. The proper term is Anthropogenic (originating from people) Climate Change, meaning that we’re causing it.

LOLOLOL Idiots. No, climate change is caused by variations in solar discharge and cosmic radiation.

We can pollute the crap out of an area like Chernobyl or Love Canal. We can even spread pollutants over broad areas the way that China does but in the grand scheme of things, we can’t have anywhere near the impact that’s being claimed by the alarmists. It’s not scientifically possible.

If the runaway greenhouse effect was going to occur, it would have happened millions of years ago when global temperatures were about twice what they’re saying is the so-called tipping point and the CO2 levels were significantly higher than the scare-monger number that’s being bandied about. Idiots.

Snow, ice, rain, cancellations

We’re looking forward to a long day of snow followed by a change over to rain which will turn the fallen snow to slush. Said slush will then be subjected to bitter cold as the sun sets turning it into a rather decorative form of concrete.

How can I predict this?

Because it happened a day or so ago. It will probably happen again before the Spring 🌈 Thaw kicks in. That might not even hit until mid-May.

If the climate is changing, it’s more a matter of the seasons coming a tad later than the calendar suggests. I’ve noticed that it stays damp and raw until almost early June and summer-like conditions keep cranking until jolly-well next to 🎃 Halloween 🎃. ‘Splain to me how that can be Anthropogenic?

Well, as long as the ice doesn’t take down the power lines, we’re in good shape. I’ve got my work to do and the wife and kids have plenty of shows on Netflix and Hulu to binge on while waiting for more compatible weather.

I’ve already missed one of my productivity targets, so I’m feeling a bit grumpy. ☹️ This is my blog and I’ll grouse if I want to. I had some personal matters to attend to that put me well behind schedule. What a PITA. Oh well, the best thing to do with obstacles is steamroll the bastards. It might have put me behind to deal with them, but they’re done now and I can get back to work.

Some More Rules

Rule #201: Not yet cited in Star Trek episodes, movies or novels

Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off of your goal. ~Henry Ford

Just as I said, I got some upsetting nonsense in the mail that I needed to deal with. It took my eyes off of what needed doing temporarily and put me in quite a snit. I’m not sure if it’s just because I’m getting old and crotchety or if it’s because I was actually experiencing some momentum and thinking I was going to get to cruise for a moment and WHAM! A pothole. Just one of those jarring interruptions that costs you a couple of valuable hours that you’d much rather be doing something the hell else. Grrrrrrr…

Rule #202: The justification for profit is profit

Okay, I can live with that. The purpose of business is to turn a profit. If you’ve got your eyes on the prize and not on the obstacles and the random time-sucks, you can stay focused and earn some fair profits. Sounds alright to me.

Rule #203: New customers are like razor-toothed gree worms. They can be succulent, but sometimes they bite back.

LOL, the Ferengi seem to like eating bugs and drinking Slug-o-Cola, the slimiest cola in the galaxy. Even so, the point is well taken. Particularly from the Ferengi perspective, their penchant for exploiting and cheating their customers would naturally lead to the possibility that a new customer might retaliate for being subject to sketchy Ferengi business practices.

For us in the real world, the problem is not so much that we’re getting retaliated against for shafting our customers. We wouldn’t do that, now would we? We’ve already seen that honesty and superb value are the road to profit, not shifty chicanery. Our problem is when our customers are more like the Ferengi. Serial refunders, black hat product pirates, rude jerks, needy timewasters are just some of the nightmare customers one might encounter. Buyer beware? Seller beware!

Rule #204-207: Not yet cited in Star Trek episodes, movies or novels

We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give. ~Winston Churchill

Too true. The value we give to our marketplace. The love we give to our family. The support we give to our friends. The kindness we give to strangers. All of these kinds of giving lead to a life with meaning and joy. It is indeed more blessed to give than to receive.

Rule #208: Sometimes, the only thing more dangerous than a question is an answer

I don’t know. I’ve got nothing on this one. I guess it feeds on the natural skittishness and paranoia of the Ferengi.

It certainly reminds me of the shenanigans in Washington, D.C. these days. Gawdzakes! Can we just get down to running the country instead of trying to run it into the ground just to spite the winning political party? Sheesh! The Dems had their way for the better part of 8 years and now that they’ve lost, they can’t let go of their assumed superiority.

The more questions we ask, the more the rot in the capital becomes apparent. Certainly, the answer to some of the questions will land certain bad actors in jail. The sooner the better

Rule #209-210: Not yet cited in Star Trek episodes, movies or novels

It is a rough road that leads to the heights of greatness. ~Lucius Annaeus Seneca

It stands to reason that there will be some potholes on the Road to Success. Adversity builds character and it reveals it. All the stumbling blocks, distractions and pit stops along the way simply make for great war stories once you’ve gotten where you’re going.

Well, that’s enough ruminating for now. I’ve got work to get done. Let me know what you’re up to these days!

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