Ides Of March 2023

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Ides Of March 2023

It’s halfway through the week and halfway through the month. That didn’t bode well for Julius Caesar, and things aren’t looking that great for us today either.


I would rather wake up in the middle of nowhere than in any city on earth. ~Steve McQueen

Another middle that I’m happy about is being in the middle of nowhere. I like having elbow room and the ability to circumambulate my cozy little home.

I like being surrounded by sumptuous forests, farmland and tiny towns.

Why am I here? Because I chose to be. That’s the American way.

Some of my kids like to complain about being in the middle of nowhere, but that’s the American way too.

Grow up, move out, find your happy place.

Three out of four ain’t bad, and the fourth one is working on a situation.

As for me, I’m pretty happy right where I am.

Thank God I’m a Country Boy by John Denver LYRICS (HQ)

I don’t begrudge people their preferences,so I’d appreciate them respecting mine.

You do you. I’ll do me. We’ll get on just fine.


Fact From Fiction: What Really Happened on the Ides of March?

Back in Roman days, they were no more passionate about their politics than we are today, but they were decidedly more hands-on.

We’re drowning in a swamp of corruption, financial malfeasance and staggering incompetence these days.

It’s annoying to have to endure this, but we’re better off using elections and laws to settle our differences.

There is something to be said for giving scoundrels enough rope to hang themselves. This is how we typically wind up with changes in policy.

When something is so demonstrably ill-considered, non-functional and basically stupid that it naturally breaks down and collapses, we typically get to go another direction.

We’re not changing direction yet.

We’re in the middle of some pretty ridiculous crap right now.

Can’t wait to get out from under the current batch of nonsense. Naturally, nothing lasts forever.

Eventually, even the most wretched suckfests wear themselves out.

The problem is enduring the suck while it’s in gear, and these days it’s in high gear.

So, we’re all waiting for the ridiculous house of cards to fall. Hopefully, none of them will fall on us.

Hopefully, nobody needs to get shanked for the suck machine to turn off.


When you are in the middle of a story it isn’t a story at all, but only a confusion; a dark roaring, a blindness, a wreckage of shattered glass and splintered wood; like a house in a whirlwind, or else a boat crushed by the icebergs or swept over the rapids, and all aboard powerless to stop it. It’s only afterwards that it becomes anything like a story at all. When you are telling it, to yourself or to someone else. ~Margaret Atwood

Well, it’s the middle of the month, but I’m still not up to the middle of my first Sentinels book.

Part of that is because I’m busy with work stuff and Christmas monthlies. Part of it is because I still haven’t figured out the waypoints I mentioned in previous posts.

Honestly, I just don’t have it. Any of it.

I’ve got vague ideas, but I haven’t the time or the energy to focus on stitching them together into a coherent story.

That’s astoundingly frustrating. I’ve barely got the energy to write this.

The pieces I have and the points I want to hit leave me in a strange place, actually.

Either it’s not quite enough to constitute a full story or it’s the framework for a massive, out of control tome.

I don’t know. I’m just tired.

That’s it for today. Been a busy week and I’m exhausted, as usual. I hope you’re having a marvelous March and that you enjoy the gentle slope down from this historically momentous Hump 🐪 Day.

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