Sunny Spring Day

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Sunny Spring Day

It’s a lovely Wednesday in the springtime but I can only sort of enjoy it.

Soothe the Savage Breast


Music has charms to sooth a savage breast, to soften rocks, or bend a knotted oak. ~William Congreve

I love that arrangement, but it’s not doing much for my costal inflammation…

I don’t know whether or not music will help much at this point, but I’ve got some meds waiting for me at the pharmacy that might help.

I was wondering if stretching would assist in alleviating my symptoms or prolonging them. The exercises in the video above look promising. I’ll be giving them a try.

Game of Writer’s Block

I’ve mentioned here and elsewhere that I’ve been reading The Song of Fire and Ice (aka Game of Thrones) since my daughter was still in diapers. Why?

Because George R. R. Martin got a case of writer’s block halfway through the damned series. It was supposed to be 5 books. 5 big, fat, beefy books. The first one was published in 1996 and I ripped through it gleefully.

The next one came out in February of 1999 followed by the third book in November 2000. And then it was time to wait…

…and wait…

…and wait…

…and wait…

We had to wait until November of 2005 for what was actually only part of the fourth section of the story. Yay, maybe GRRM was back on track!


It wasn’t until July of 2011 (my daughter was no longer in diapers at this point) that the next story came out. It was the fifth book, but it was nowhere near the end of the story.

💩 Holy Crap! 💩 Talk about writer’s block! 💩

Of course, when they started doing an adaptation of this saga on HBO the same year I realized that GRRM would NEVER finish the story.

Why write the story when you can just get the screenwriters at HBO to do it for you? For pity’s sake…

I can almost understand my wife’s annoyance at me for not being done with my own books

Annoy the Wife

My writing process, such as it is, consists of a lot of noodling, procrastinating, dawdling, and avoiding. ~Amy Bloom

Despite my recent discovery and adoption of Scrivener as a writing aid, I’m not making as much progress as the wife might hope for.

That being said, I actually have a story structure set up and simply need to fill in the actual action and dialog that goes with the plot points. I’m finding it a bit constrictive, but it looks like a good starting point.

That’s it for today. This weekend is Connor’s play at NCC. Apparently, the role is quite unlike him, so it will be interesting to see how he embodies his character.

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