Well, THAT Was Unpleasant!

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Well, THAT Was Unpleasant!

The year of 2019 is off to a rollicking start, courtesy of…

The Virus From Hell

My daughter got it first and it ripped through the house last weekend. We all fell like dominoes before the dreaded seasonal scourge.

It caused coughing and congestion like a cold or flu, but it also had a nasty side-effect of exacerbating each and every injury we have ever suffered. I don’t know if the virus honed in on scar tissue or what, but GREAT GOOGLY-MOOGLY! Every single part of me that has ever ached in any kind of a way was in extraordinary agony.

Honestly, the worst part of it was the ribs. It literally felt like someone was reaching into my chest and trying to yank a rib right out of my chest.

Boy, I couldn’t wait for the 4-5 days to be over. I had gotten the heads-up that this thing was going around before it arrived at our house.

No idea. No earthly idea it was going to be like that. Eegads! Super-nasty.

Well, at least it’s finally over.

I can get back on track with working on the New Year’s Resolutions.

To that end, I grabbed a Kindle copy of Yoga for Regular Guys: The Best Damn Workout On The Planet!

It’s an interesting approach to learning yoga for the sake of enjoying the benefits without getting hung up on all the new agey froo-froo stuff that usually surrounds yoga.

The author is a former pro-wrestler who was talked into trying yoga as a way to deal with the years of punishment he’d allowed himself to endure in the name of showbiz.

It Starts With The Breath

And, there’s my first hurdle.

The aggravated rib pain I’ve been experiencing lately makes it a bit of a task to give the ujjayi breathing a try. Not impossible, of course, but I get that little hiccup of pain while inhaling and exhaling because of the pokiness in the chest.

I’m trying, though.

So, as an added bonus, my darling wife has said she’d join me in the process. I think that’s going to make a big difference in the outcome.

I love doing things with my wife. Getting healthier in a way that I can enjoy with my darling wife is probably the best idea I’ve had since I asked her to marry me so many years ago.

I guess that’s fair. The five-thousand-year-old wellness system will be a great way to ensure our 9756-day-old marriage keeps going on and on and on.

The One Thing I Could Do This Week

Art is the triumph over chaos. ~John Cheever

Since lying around was the main activity while the virus ran its course, I took every opportunity to get pencil to paper.

I’ve been writing a lot of back story scenes with the original team members and some of their peripheral characters.

I’m getting a feel for the characters and how they ought to be interacting among themselves and in their world.

So, I’m still not entirely back in ideal condition but at least I’m back to doing something other than sleeping and suffering. I’ve got some catch-up items to attend to, but the weekend is going to be a lot more productive than the last week has been.

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