What A Freakin’ Week

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What A Freakin’ Week

Okay, I’m just done. I’ve had tons to do and not quite enough time to do it all. Weekends are for R&R and that’s just what I’m doing.

Git ‘er Done

The best way out is always through. ~Robert Frost

Stuff I thought had a distinct end will actually blossom into an infinite stretch of effort.

Well, I can only do what I can do. So, that’s what I’m going to do.

Work hours are for work and after-work hours are for me-work.

Took a while to get to this state of equilibrium, but here we are.

Right at the cusp of my favorite time of year, we’re finally in a position to reach some actual, enforceable work/life balance.


Hulking Out

She Hulk Episode 2 FULL Breakdown, Wolverine and Marvel Easter Eggs

Let me just say, I like this show. She-Hulk is funny in the comics and she’s funny in the show based on the comics.

A lot of conservative commentators have been complaining that it’s woke or whatever. Honestly, they can fuck right off.

As much as we complain that the dictatorial left has been sucking the life out of every facet of life (and they have), we can’t complain that they don’t respect diversity of thought/personality unless we respect it as well.

That’s not conservative. It’s reactionary.

Jennifer Walters begins the series as an ADA in Los Angeles, CA. Does anyone seriously expect her to be conservative? Really?

Again, fuck right off.

Since it takes all kinds, as they say, then one can reasonably expect some characters to be conservative and some to be liberal and most to be somewhere in between.

I don’t find her to be unbearably liberal or woke. She’s a typical female lead: mostly perky, somewhat neurotic, generally likeable and guaranteed (by virtue of being a fictional character) to repeatedly find herself in ridiculous situations.

That’s TV. Has nobody watched TV in the last half-century or more?

This is how TV shows are. So fuckin’ what?

I heard a complaint about her little rant to Bruce about having to deal with her anger and rage infinitely more than he ever had to. Okay, if catcalling and mansplaining are rage-inducing experiences for her, go figure. She’s a typical female lead on TV. So what?

I don’t find that to be excessively brittle or woke or far Left of her. Everybody experiences life from their own perspective anyway.

What bothers some people intensely is of no concern to others. Neither is better than the other. Everybody has their own coping strategies and hot-button issues.

I find this character to be likeable and well-meaning. What more could anyone want from a reluctant superhero?

Another Country Heard From

The vitality of a new movement in Art must be gauged by the fury it arouses. ~Logan Pearsall Smith

In fairness, Mr. Smith is referring to full-fledged movements in art, such as Expressionism, Cubism or Surrealism.

New ideas and ways of doing things tend to get people upset.

Frankly, it’s not for everybody. If it speaks to you, embrace it. If it doesn’t, find something that does and embrace that.

Granted, when a movement takes off, it’s every-freaking-where. It’s one thing when such movements are contained in a gallery somewhere, but when you can’t turn around without seeing a style of art that doesn’t resonate with you, it can be aggravating.

Some people get bent because something that doesn’t resonate with them exists at all. Fuck ’em. They’re close-minded and they’re cordially invited to suck it.

Some people get bent because the thing that doesn’t resonate with them appears everywhere. It’s like waking up in your own personal hell.

As with all other movements, they move on. Some come back. Others, not so much.

In the case of disco, this is one of life’s small mercies.

Insofar as it pertains to my writing, it comes back to something I was saying in an earlier post.

Whatever I write is going to piss somebody off.

Point blank. That’s inescapable.

In some cases, it’s because some people just lurk around looking for something to be outraged about.

Some people lurk around waiting to jump on a bandwagon like that.

Some people will be genuinely offended by whatever happens in my stories.

The problem is, what happens after enough of them gang up.

Naturally, I’m getting ahead of myself. The Sentinels will be 13 books among millions on virtual and physical shelves around the world.

If I do my marketing correctly, they’ll sell reasonably well and provide me some passive income.

Will they raise a huge outcry? Probably not. Hopefully not.

Unfortunately, the world is still skewing toward crazy. By the time I get the first book or two finished, we may be in a full-fledged cultural civil war.

On the other hand, by the time I get my first book or two finished, the pendulum may actually have reached its apex and begun swinging back from the far Left trajectory it’s been on for entirely too long.

Who knows?

I really shouldn’t worry about it, but there are such nutty people out there trying to shred civilization for us.

The pessimist in me sees this as the possible end of everything we’ve known and come to expect from life and society.

The optimist in me sees this as growing pains toward the next great stage of world civilization.

Honestly, if we can get past the intensely stupid ideas that are currently being foisted on us, we might break through to something absolutely fantastic.

There’s just so much braindead grift in the current scheme of things, we can reasonably be pessimistic about our ability to survive this level of intense stupidity.

The optimist says, hope springs eternal. The phoenix can always rise from the ashes.

Problem is, why should we have to rise from the ashes? Why should it all have to burn down just to get us past this insanely stupid moment in time? Why can’t the stupid people actually sit down, shut up and let rational people drive?

I suppose that’s a theme I’ll have to examine in my books.

Actually, it sort of fits. The Golden Age of Comic Books is typified by the heroic struggle against crime (gangsters), corruption (crooked politicians) and basic evil (Axis powers). Our current struggle is against crime that it enabled and encouraged by corrupt politicians at the behest of dark money sources who clearly don’t have our best interests in mind.

So, art reflecting real life is another way to create a compelling story. We’ll see if I can pull that off.

That’s all for today. I need to get some rest and I want to go watch Samaritan. I’ll let you know if it’s as good as the trailer.

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