When The Lilacs Are In Bloom

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When The Lilacs Are In Bloom

That’s when Kelly said she’d like our wedding to be, so that’s when we scheduled it. Happy wife, happy life.

Getting Stuff Done

Without craftsmanship, inspiration is a mere reed shaken in the wind. ~Johannes Brahms

Okay, so having COVID was a big time-suck on my productivity.

Despite the fact that I caught up on some much-needed rest, that’s about all I caught up on.

So, now I’m back frantically trying to get some work stuff done.

The thing I noticed is that, even though I’m still a bit disoriented, writing code is enough of a habit that I find myself getting into a groove.

What seems like a pretty substantial piece of code winds up actually being a refreshing exercise in creativity and, to a certain extent, writes itself.

It’s a bit easier when I can see the screen right, though.

Between the need to remember to put the laptop glasses on and visually ignoring all the floaters…

Oh my freaking God, all the floaters!

…yes, ignoring the floaters. I find that once I deal with these little distractions, I can knuckle down and get stuff done.

Here’s Something Lovely To Get You Through The Day

5 Hours The Best of Brahms: Brahms Greatest Works, Classical Music Playlist

The nice thing about classical music is that there seems to be a composer for nearly every mood.

Brahms certainly brings a punch to the game. It’s melodious and yet aggressive.

Mostly, I’m a Mozart and Wagner guy but I enjoy a bit of variety.


An artist must be free to choose what he does, certainly, but he must also never be afraid to do what he might choose. ~Langston Hughes

Actually, these days bring a certain amount of fear.

There’s a tendency to cancel people for having unpopular opinions.

Who appointed these social justice heroes?

Themselves, of course.

There’s a joke that runs in writers groups about our search history.

It falls into the funny because it’s true category because writers tend to write about odd things in order to try to make a story interesting.

One wonders what Agatha Christie’s search history would look like if she’d had the internet in her time.

One also wonders how she came up with all of the inventive ways of killing people off without the benefit of the 24×7 library that is the internet.

I suppose that her librarian was aware that she was an author and took that into consideration when providing her the texts she used to validate her murder plots.

Even today, I suppose there’s some cover for odd interests when you claim to be a novelist.

The problem comes in, not so much with the exotic poisons or creative ways to bump off a character as it does with basic human interaction.

People claim they’d like to see diversity in casting but, in the same breath, will pan you for attempting to represent someone of a different demographic or nationality.

Even if you hire a sensitivity reader to review your depictions, you have no way of knowing whether that person’s perspective will be accepted by someone who’s looking to be offended.

There are so many people walking around with a huge chip on their shoulder, just waiting to be triggered by something.

Who the hell needs all that drama?

Of all the wars I’d like to see a quick end to, the current culture war is one that needs to end as soon as possible.

I’m just done with the whole social justice thing.

That’s my hot take for this 💐Springtime🌷 hump day. I hope you’re getting things done as well.

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